41. Horded into a Slaughterhouse

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'I regret those times when I've chosen the dark side. I've wasted enough time not being happy'
— Jessica Lange


"Technically, we mourned over her death once so we shouldn't do so again. What's different now?" Chiaki cleared her throat to raise the tension in the room.

Nobody seemed to lighten up at all.

"Now we have Akemi..." Ryuu mumbled under his breath. "That's what."

The teen's words rang deep within all of them. Their hearts squeezed with pain at the memories that flooded their minds. Instant death for the two of them, their bodies being rushed to the hospital... their funerals.

"Mr. Joichiro was really angry at us at the cemetery," Atsuhi spoke up, frowning, his eyes casted to the ground.

"Who could blame him?" Ayame replied. "It is our fault. We went there saying we'd save her and in the end, look at the results."

Another silence filled the air. It was one where it was difficult for them to breathe.

"Th-the result is because A-Akira was crazy!" stammered Mayumi defensively. "Sh-She stabbed K-Katsura in the wrists! Now's sh-she's at the hospital getting rehabilitation!"

"Somebody hit her in the head with a metal pipe," Yasuo's voice sent chills up all their spines. His legs were crossed over the table in the CRF clubroom, his eyes narrowed ominously. You were unable to even see his face properly with his blond hair shading his eyes.

Everybody stared at the second year, eyebrows knitted together. Out of them all, Yasuo had to be the calmest. Whether it be during the trip to the hospital or the funeral, his poker face and monotonous tone didn't crack once. It was odd.

"True..." Tadashi spoke after a long pause, intertwining his fingers as he stared at his hands. He gulped hard, "She... said something about the mastermind, right?"

"She did." They were all caught off guard by Juzo's voice. His eyes were serious and his lengthy hair was pulled back into a small ponytail—an irregular look for the tedious teen. "Though, that could be something she made up. If what we said before is true, Akira Minamoto is involved with the mastermind. And if she is, that would mean that the mastermind got to the shrine before we all could."

If this were any other day, all their jaws would've flung open. Juzo appeared so diligent in that moment, some even had to rub their eyes to make sure they weren't dreaming.

"But the question is why he or she ever would," Ayame said coolly, gazing at the teen in an almost nonchalant manner.

"If it's the mastermind we're talking about, they already knew we were coming," Chiaki murmured.

Nobody argued with her. Based on everything that has happened, it wasn't as if it wasn't true.

"I'm sick of this!" Ryuu slammed his fists into the table, grounding his teeth. "Can't we just find that goddamn bastard?!"

"They're having their fun tormenting us with these deaths," Tadashi said, trying not to break down.

"And it'll only continue until that bastard is caught and killed."

Everyone's eyes flitted onto the blond, who had dropped his legs from the table and was up on his feet. His lips were downturned sourly, his eyes exhibiting such a malicious emotion.

"Y-Yasuo..." Ryuu as well as the others were wide-eyed as the teen clicked his tongue, hands stuffed in his pockets.

"I'm freakin' killing the one responsible when I get my hands on them..." Yasuo's declaration left the all of them speechless as he sauntered towards the doorway. "I swear it."

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