06. Final Chance

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Tadashi Matsumoto above


'When one person makes an accusation, check to be sure he himself is not the guilty one. Sometimes it is those whose case is weak who make the most clamour'
— Piers Anthony


"We've been set up."

Tadashi raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Set... up?"

The cold-hearted senior spun on her heels, wearing a frown. "Deceived. Fooled. Cheated. Honestly, is your brain incapable of understanding this much? Even a mere toddler would comprehend. You're rather dull as well. No wonder you were targeted."

"What are you talking about, Kobayashi?" Tadashi demanded, not wanting to be belittled more than he already was.

"Oogawa lied to us," she simply replied.

His eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.

"L-Lied..." Tadashi repeated as Kiyoshi Oogawa's words replayed in his mind. W-Wait... us? he thought quickly. What is Kobayashi saying? That Kiyoshi lied about the whole computer incident?

"You could repeat whatever I say as much as you want but you should know that you look stupid doing so," Ayame commented with a deadpanned expression.

Tadashi flinched. He gritted his teeth but said nothing in response.

And why does she have that condescending attitude? It's no wonder her and Shinzo don't get along. It's like they both like to look down on others! Tadashi took a deep breath and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Good. You finally look serious," Ayame mumbled and narrowed her eyes as well. "But if you wish to talk, we must go elsewhere."


Ayame grabbed his arm on cue and yanked him down the corridor and outside of the building. She continued walking, dragging Tadashi along with her, and she showed absolutely no signs of stopping any time soon.

"Uh... Kobayashi," Tadashi began with a gulp. "Where exactly are we—"

"We have to go somewhere we're not being watched," Ayame muttered as a public park came into view. She came to a halt, letting go of Tadashi's arm. "Here."

The park was practically abandoned, seeing as though it was getting late. Only a few children and parents were scattered here and there but they were still at a far distance from the two teens.

Perplexed, Tadashi fixated his gaze onto his senior. "Uh..."

Ayame scowled darkly, annoyed at his reaction. "It's normal to be confused but before I say anything, just remember I'm not telling you this for you. I'm telling you this to benefit me."


Exhaling loudly, Ayame's eyes met his. "As I said before, Oogawa lied to the both of us."

Tadashi shook his head. So he did hear her right. "About the computer document?" he asked. "And why only the both of us? I thought Kiyoshi only told me about it while the other six members would tell the others?"

"Well, I suppose that was a good way to buy our trust..." Ayame nodded, putting a finger to her chin in thought. "However, it's a petty excuse, isn't it? If you use your head, you'd be able to figure out he was lying the entire time. Think about it. When we were going to the crime scene, the six of them didn't want to get involved. So then why would Oogawa check the documents to help us?"

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