42. Juzo's True Colours

99 20 1

Yasuo Ishikawa above


'Friends show their true colors in times of need; and not in times of happiness'
Kristian Goldmund Aumann


Yasuo Ishikawa didn't know what exactly to feel when he saw his closet companion laying dead in the math hallway's floor. The police were hovering over him, keeping the students that remained behind yellow tape, while some even evacuated them out of the building. His heart was thudding in fast, irregular beats, but his body was numb. His eyes had shrunk back, feet stuck in place.


Yasuo was slowly whipping his head from side to side. No... no...

"I need you to do something for me, Yasuo."

The sixteen-year-old's mind traced back to the conversation he had just last week.

"Kill those clubmates of yours and peace will be restored. You like peace, don't you? I'll give you as much money as you need, and I want you to eradicate them. Simple deal, right?"

Yasuo's fingers furled into fists as his breathing hiked. His mouth was quivering, his eyes glued to the bloodied mess of the friend he grew up with his entire life.

"Yasuo, huh? My code name is Crimson. I'm shitty when it comes to assassinations, but let's get along, okay?"

"Hey kid, I need you to get away from the site."

The police officer's words didn't reach Yasuo's ears. Instead, his head lifted up, eyes gleaming with such malice and animosity it could kill somebody with just one look. The intensity of it even made the officer flinch.

"Seii..." The blond's face scrunched up as he turned on his soles, stomping down the hallway. Grounding his teeth, nothing but the urge to stab and shoot the new principal of the academy welled up inside of him. "You're dead... I'm freakin' killing you... Fucking bastard...."

Nothing had gone his way for as long as he could remember. All he did was get himself involved with crazy things, and get hurt in the end. Hitmen troubles and gigs, the whole Crime Games ordeal, the death of his dad, his clubmates, his crush.

Yasuo's heart squeezed at the thought. He quickly blinked back the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He swallowed the lump that had risen in his throat.

Minamoto... Yasuo stuffed his hands in his pockets, his destination clear in mind. I'll get revenge for you if it's the last thing I do—I promise.

Letting out a shaky exhale, Yasuo came to a halt once he reached two large doors. Since it was after school, nobody was anywhere near the principal's office, but if he listened closely, he could hear the faint whispers of his sneaky and underhanded employer and another male, maybe a teacher. Nothing along the lines of fear were shown on the Yasuo's face.

Slinging it off his shoulders, the blond pulled out his gun from his bag. He eyed it thoughtfully, going over the reckless idea in his head. If he followed through with it, there was no guarantee he'd be the one to live. No, it would make more sense if he were the one to die. And he'd for sure have to leave the academy if he walked through these doors now...

The teen gulped, hazel hues swelling with his resolve. But he couldn't go down without a fight—there was no way he was going to. Seii... he had to die.

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