11. Moving Forward

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'Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have—life itself'
— Walter Anderson


"No! I don't believe that!"

Everyone was taken aback as they faced the brown-haired male who had yelled that. Ryuu grounded his teeth, pounding his fist onto the table.

"Saya is alive. She's not..." Ryuu began, not being able to finish the sorrowful sentence. "Why are you lying to us?"

After Tadashi and Ayame had gathered everyone up for breakfast and relayed to them the shocking news, Ryuu was the first to act out.

"We're not lying, it's the truth," Ayame stated, narrowing her eyes at Ryuu. "The one with us since the beginning of last year was no doubt Chiaki Asahina."

Everyone that was gathered was silent. Majority of them were gaping with their eyes as wide as saucers, while the other half wore strained expressions.

"Saya— no, Chiaki was lying to us this entire time?" Akira slowly said, her blue eyes filled apprehension.

"She wasn't lying!" Tadashi cried, clenching his fists. "She was being threatened! She really didn't want to lie to us, but..."

"I regret every action I did concerning all of you. I caused you to feel an immeasurable amount of grief and sorrow, and for that, I am sorry." She got back up. "Even though I just met you all in the academy—even when I wasn't suppose to get too attached—you all are the only people that have accepted me."

"I truly had fun." She grinned. "Laughing, arguing, joking. I was so glad I was able to be with everyone until the very last moment. You guys gave someone like me your kindness. I—"

Tadashi shut his eyes painfully in remembrance to her words.

"Shut up, Tadashi." Ryuu's growl caused everyone's attention to dart in his direction. Ryuu's eyes shone with intense animosity towards Tadashi. "Saya is alive! Chiaki was just pretending to be her while she studied abroad! She's living in America now!"

Tadashi's eyes widened at Ryuu's outburst. Sadness washed over him. To him, it sounded like Ryuu didn't even believe what he was saying but was trying to convince himself of it.

"Stop accusing Chiaki for something like this!" he went on. "How do we know that you guys aren't making this all up? You guys probably threatened Chiaki and want us to agree with this load of bullshit!"

Everyone was too astonished to even move.

Ryuu was the nicest, calmest, and most kindhearted guy in the club. So to see him lash out like this was honestly shocking.

Saya Asahina meant that much to him.

"Ryuu—" Tadashi began but Ryuu snapped, grabbing him by the collar.

"I hate this side of you! Like you freakin' know everything!" His gaze was cold and malicious.

Tadashi felt his blood run cold at how angry his friend was.

Gritting his teeth, Ryuu demanded, "What the hell do you know about Saya? Saya... Saya is..."

"Sasahara, calm down." Yasuo put his hand on Ryuu's shoulder, the only gesture he could possibly do.

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