21. Familial Bonds

177 22 5

Takeshi (age 5) above


'The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life'
—Richard Bach


Ryuu Sasahara frowned to himself as he flipped through the channels on the T.V. Despite trying to aim his attention elsewhere, he was completely out of it and was merely staring blankly at the screen.

Somebody shoving his head forward and snatching the remote out of his hands startled him and he jerked his head backwards to find it was his older brother.

Ryuu glared at him and tried to yank it back. "Hey, give it—"

Mikado Sasahara smirked at his younger brother's attempt before flopping onto the couch and snatching the bag of chips on the table. "You're not supposed to let your guard down even for a second, little bro. It's your fault for daydreaming." He chewed on the chips loudly as he flipped through all the channels. He suddenly laughed, sending Ryuu a kissy face. "Thinking of Saya~?"

Ryuu's heart stopped and Mikado guffawed at his brother's reaction.

"You're still hanging on to that? I keep telling you to just make a move already. Be a man and confess. Saya's not gonna wait forever, you know."

Ryuu gritted his teeth, looking toward the ground. His head dropped painfully. He wanted to snap at his brother—tell him it was already too late—but, he held himself back. He didn't want to regret how stupid he was not to even do that.

"Young ones these days; they don't understand how fast life flies," continued Mikado, oblivious to Ryuu's reaction. "First thing you know you're in high school, enjoying your life and living in the moment, and the next thing you know, you're in your third year of university, without having any time to even fool around like before. If I was your age again, trust me, I'd confess as soon as I got the chance."

Mikado chuckled to himself as he came to a stop at a random channel. He slapped his knee in amusement, finally turning his attention towards Ryuu.

"Watching you, the boy, chase after a girl your whole life really is sad."

Mikado blinked at his younger brother, confused at how pale he had gotten. Ryuu's eyes—currently fixed on the T.V. before him were as plates, his mouth dropped; he wasn't even breathing anymore.

"Whoa, Ryuu," Mikado began, guilt washing over him. "I was kidding. Don't take my words that seriously."

Ryuu's inconsistent breathing intensified when he perceived that familiar face pop up next to the news broadcaster. Her broad grin in the photo, her cerulean hair held up with the black headband she always wore, and her parents huddled over and crying during the interview they were giving them.

His gaze never left the seven letter word slapped over Akira Minamoto's face.


☻ ☺ ☻

The sound of the front door opening and closing stirred Tadashi from his light rest. He yawned briefly before narrowing his eyes at the cheerful sound of his parents and younger sister downstairs.

Their nonchalance was something he wished he could have too, but he couldn't. No... He was still trying to deny what he had even read on that document...

Tadashi, adopted from Ochiai Orphanage at age 5 into the Matsumoto family.

Legal Guardians: Narumi and Maiko Matsumoto.

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