00. The Die is Cast

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'Crime, like death,
is not confined to the old and withered alone.
The youngest and fairest are too often its chosen victims'
— Charles Dickens


"Let's establish the target of this week's games. The theme is kidnapping. Once we decide on the victim, we'll segue into research. That being said, it's time to begin."

"We're doing research again, Ayame? Can't we do murder or something? Why a kidnapping?"

"Because we decided on this last week, Sasahara. And you agreed."

"I may have," Ryuu Sasahara said, meekly scratching his cheek. "But..."

"I agree. We always resort to kidnapping," complained Izumi Shinzo, propping her chin on her palm. "It's, like, totally getting lame. Besides, why do we need to research our victims? It's like, so much trouble."

"It's to make this make-believe game more thrilling, right?" Tadashi Matsumoto replied.

"Exactly!" Akira Minamoto sprung from her chair with extended fists. "How are we supposed to create a crime scenario if we don't have sufficient information? To make our cases realistic and effectively solve them, we need research! It's the primary factor—"

"We can invent something on the spot, can't we?" Yasuo Ishikawa argued, eyelids fixed in a hostile glare. He sat with his legs crossed on the table in front of him, hands jammed in his pockets. "Why do we have to waste our time doing shit that doesn't benefit us?"

"To put it in the words of Sophocles: 'Success is dependent on effort.'" Katsura Inohara sipped her tea.

"I thinks so too! Lady Katsura is right! And this Sofa person too!" Iori Yutaka cheered, his broken Japanese interspersed with English, his mother tongue.

Mayumi Hiruko fiddled restlessly with her braids. "W-wait... so we're not doing a k-kidnapping?"

"We are!" Saya Asahina puffed her cheeks with air. "We have to!"

"C-c-can I go home?" Kiyoshi Ogawa pleaded, gaze flickering to and fro the ground.

"How absurd! If clubs are in session, we must remain in this room! Leaving early is out of the question!" proclaimed Atsushi Yamada, Student Council Vice President.

"So long as eating's possible, I'm happy anywhere," laughed Haru Tomachi, inhaling a handful of salted original chips for emphasis.

"Doesn't persistently stuffing your face tire you out?" Juzo Fatora's murmur originated from the furthest corner of the room. His head remained buried in his arms—a common occurrence whenever they gathered for club activities.

Tadashi expelled a heavy breath, long aware of the outcome of this unremitting argument. With how often they all clashed, it was a mystery how they managed to stand being in the same room every Tuesday.

Those constituting the Crime Research Facility (CRF) were of different personalities, groups, hobbies, yet the sole thread connecting all fourteen members was their love for crime stories. It was outrageous. Something as foul and horrendous as crime was able to unite individuals who'd otherwise never acknowledge each others' presence. Of course, few exceptions partook in the irrationality solely to be relieved of trouble, expulsion, or to keep their fame on a low standing.

At Kaisei Private Academy, a school notable for its extraordinary amount of clubs and celebrities, the CRF was the single place these fourteen could cut ties with the outside world and exist in the fictional world of crimes—the Crime Games.

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