01. Risk is Unavoidable

669 42 15

Moriko Kitoshi above


'The true mystery of the world
is the visible, not the invisible'
— Oscar Wilde


Tadashi's surroundings were lost to him. Irrespective of his sloven appearance and unkempt uniform, he raced out the door, ignoring his parents' shouts of confusion. He was at the school building within five minutes, which, on an average bike ride, would have taken him at least fifteen.

Students filed in and out of the campus in small groups. The trees surrounding the building sported pools of autumn gold and rust-coloured leaves. Yells rang out—the various sports teams at morning practice.

He dashed through the bustling hallways, searching for somebody—anybody—to make sense of this morning's events.

A sturdy surface smacked into him. A person.

He tumbled to the ground.

Normally, the sight of her long, silky hair would've left him floundering for coherent words. Today, however, it brought vast comfort. The timing was perfect. "Kobayashi!"

"Matsumoto." Her countenance was akin to ice, and bore a hole straight through his soul. "We have a problem. Meet in the clubroom at lunch."

She sauntered down the corridor at that, unbothered to look back or await his response.

He breathlessly watched her go.

She saw the news report, too?

What exactly was going on?

☻ ☺ ☻

"What's the big deal, summoning me here during the break?" Yasuo growled upon entering the clubroom.

"Yes, the ladies were all in an uproar!" Iori proclaimed with his hands in the air.

"Unlike you doofuses, the sun will go behind the clouds and I won't be able to get my daily suntan." Izumi poked her cheeks, smiling sweetly. "Skin as perfect as this doesn't come naturally, you know."

"And an ego as big doesn't either," Yasuo retorted.

"I was searching for members to join the Karate Club," Katsura interjected before tensions could escalate. "I was hoping to utilize every ounce of free time to accomplish that."

"How long have you been looking?" Ryuu asked.

Saya replied in her stead, "Since the beginning of last year, right? Why don't you give up?"

"If I surrender my passion for the Karate Club, such is synonymous with forfeiting my love for the martial arts. I must stay true to myself and have faith that the student body will one day understand."

"You're my idol, Katsura," Saya gushed.

Ryuu nodded. "Right? I'd totally join if I wasn't already apart of the soccer, basketball, baseball, football, tennis, swim team—"

Katsura sighed. "You're in a league of your own all right, Sasahara."

"Be that as it may," Atsushi interjected, "I have obligations I must accomplish on behalf of the Student Council."

Mayumi stuttered, "I-I had st-stuff to d-do too."

"Like eating?" Haru said, rocking back and forth on his chair. "'Cause same."

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