04. Problems Arise

344 26 17

Kiyoshi Oogawa above


'None of us knows what might happen even the
next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have Faith'
— Paulo Coelho, Brida



A sigh passed their lips.

Against the wall lay a girl. Her wavy, almond bangs curtained her closed eyelids. Arms, skinny as twigs, hung limply by her sides. Moreover, she showed absolutely no signs of consciousness.

"Man, I'm bored. Bored. Bored. Bored." Fiddling with the thin rods sticking out of either side of her head, they proceeded to lift what the girl clutched in her hand: her student ID card.

On cue, she lethargically opened her eyes.

Her confusion was immediate.

"Moriko Kitoshi! Boy, did you surprise me! You put up quite the fight!"

Doused in sweat, the instinctive urge to flee socked her in the gut. However, try as she might've, she couldn't move. She had no strength. "What did you do to me? Who are you?" Although she tried to scream, no sound came out. 'What's going on? Why can't I talk?'

A hysterical fit of laughter spilled out of them. Then, their lips peeled back into a cynical grin, wide enough to mimic the Joker's smile.

"Hey, hey, I was just having a little fun. No need to be so afraid. Believe me, I'd love to keep you around—experiment on you further—but you're useless to me now. Sad, right? But that's life, right?"

They reached for the electrode wires sticking out of her head.

"Don't give me those fearful eyes," they cooed. "Being killed isn't as frightening as you think. It's relieving, Moriko Kitoshi. You've got to believe me."

Upon yanking the odd machinery from her head, she fell deathly still.

"See? What a relief, right?" Cackling, they strolled towards the exist. "Now, then, who should I mess with next?"

☻ ☺ ☻


"What is it you want to show me, Kiyoshi?" Tadashi questioned as the said male led him down the hallway he had recently departed. Kiyoshi came to a halt by the clubroom's door, leaving Tadashi at a loss. "What are we doing back here?"

"That paper isn't the only thing that's missing," Kiyoshi stated, his tone more solemn than anxious.

Tadashi furrowed his eyebrows.

Kiyoshi twisted the doorknob and, without hesitation, marched inside and up to the computer. Tadashi followed suit. After much clicking and typing, in which Tadashi lost his pace due to how nimbly his fingers glided across the keyboard, a list of documents popped up on the screen.


"Isn't this the document we referenced in the crime scenario? To gather information on Moriko Kitoshi," Tadashi asked, his pale green eyes scrutinizing the particular file the cursor floated above. "What does this have to do with what you mentioned earlier?"

Sucking in a chestful of oxygen, Kiyoshi clicked onto the document. Tadashi's jaw collapsed.

It no longer contained the information pertaining to Moriko as it did two days ago. Instead, the page was completely blank.

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