25. Why Pretend?

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'Wonder rather than doubt is the root of all knowledge'
— Abraham Joshua Heschel


"I see..." muttered Tadashi Matsumoto, swallowing hard. Ayame folded her arms with a inexpressive look. Everyone within the room watched the brunet's reactions to the revelations, along with a shocked Atsushi.

They had just informed the both of them of what had occurred these past two weeks, and despite the revelations, it hardly left Tadashi strained. Such was because he knew right then and there that these revelations weren't enough to shock him any longer.

The exact opposite was Atsushi, who collapsed into his seat and grasped his hair in dismay. "N-no way," he gasped. "It's because of my irresponsibilities as Vice President! Even Upperclassman Kurosaki is working harder than I am... I have to get to work. I need to catch up to him."

Bolting up from his seat, Atsushi dashed for the doorway.

"I'll exert unbelievable effort regarding this all to make up for the time I've lost—for the times I've let you all down. I promise!"

With that, the black-haired male disappeared from the room and down the hallway.

Shaking his head, Yasuo stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Nobody will ever figure out whatever the hell goes on in that workaholic's brain..."

Even without having to say anything, everyone unanimously agreed. After a few moments of silence, Ayame closed her eyes in thought.

"Back to where we were before..." she began, hesitantly. "This is a game; only a game in the eyes of the mastermind. At this point, that's all we can really believe."

Katsura sighed at the solemn tension that filled the air. "It makes sense, Miss Kobayashi. That's how everyone would view these events."

Before Ayame could remark, the sound of a chair squeaking back snagged everyone's attention. Hanging his head so that his hair would be shading his face, Haru Tomachi headed toward the doorway without saying a word.

Tadashi, startled, called out to him, "Haru, where are you going?"

No response came from the orange-haired teen as he exited the room, and everyone watched in confusion. It was unusual indeed.

Ryuu got up to his feet but Yasuo grabbed his arm to stop him. His hazel coloured eyes met Ryuu's light brown ones. "He probably just went to grab more food. He'll be back yelling at the top of his lungs like he always does."

A frown consumed Ryuu's expression. "But..." He returned his gaze back to the doorway his friend had departed from. With a sigh, he plummeted into his chair again. "Haru isn't someone to leave like that..."

Crossing her arms, Katsura shook her head at Ryuu's words. "Considering what has happened, it's not that unusual he's behaving this way. There's the chance Minamoto meant something to him as well."

Both Ryuu and Yasuo's eyelids shot up. They bolted from their seats simultaneously.

"H-Haru isn't—" Yasuo began in a panicked tone.

Ryuu finished, "Yeah, he doesn't even know the definition! He's as naïve as cattle being herded into a slaughterhouse! He's an idiot like that!"

Yasuo spared Ryuu a nod to his words, holding up a fist. "Yeah!"

Ryuu returned the action. "Yeah!"

Turning their heads toward Katsura seated before them, they cried out in unison, "See?"

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