08. The Deal is Set

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Kazuma Kurosaki above


'Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none'
— William Shakespeare


"I have a few questions for you, Tadashi Matsumoto."

Questions? A bad premonition began to gnaw its way to the pit of Tadashi's stomach.

Kazuma repositioned himself into a more appropriate manner before speaking once again: "If I'm not mistaken, these three people have a connection to your club."

Tadashi swallowed hard.

"I can say this because Iori Yutaka and Kiyoshi Oogawa are members of your club, the Crime Research Facility, but they got kidnapped after Moriko Kitoshi." Kazuma narrowed his eyes into a glare. "You know why don't you?"

"Why?" Tadashi repeated. There wasn't a proved reason, but there still was a hypothesis. But after everything that has happened, Tadashi didn't even want to think about it. Although, for some reason, the look of Kazuma's eyes were of one who knew beyond what they should, and that made Tadashi even more uneasy.

Kazuma frowned at Tadashi's reaction. "It's because the person who kidnapped Moriko Kitoshi and the one who kidnapped Kiyoshi Oogawa and Iori Yutaka, are the same person."

The ticking of the clock in the distance seemed quieter as Tadashi's heartbeat heightened.

"Since you're not overreacting, I'm guessing this fact has already been established," Kazuma said.

Tadashi flinched. "Why are you—"

"I want to make a deal with you."

Tadashi's eyes widened at his words that seemed to come out of nowhere.

"A... deal?" murmured Tadashi. Why would Kazuma want to make a deal with him?

His eyes met Tadashi's. "What if I told you that I may know who kidnapped them?"

Tadashi's heart completely stopped beating and before he knew it, he was leaning over the table, slamming his hands onto it with raucous force. "You know who?!"

"Calm down," Kazuma said, closing his eyes calmly. "I only said 'may.'"

May... Gritting his teeth, Tadashi pulled backwards and sat properly once again. "Sorry..."

"It's all right," he responded. "But it's because I may know who the culprit is, I need your help."

Tadashi blinked rapidly. "Mine?"

"I think that someone in your club is responsible for the kidnappings," he said. "I can say this because Moriko Kitoshi got kidnapped the same way you guys planned it on September 2nd."

Tadashi's head jerked up in surprise. "How did—"

"It's easy putting together information like this. Though, I wasn't quite sure of it. But judging by your reaction..." Kazuma spared Tadashi a glance. "I'm guessing I was right."

He flinched. No way... I just...

"And Iori Yutaka and Kiyoshi Oogawa, two members of the club that put the kidnapping plan together, also went missing. I don't know why, but I surmise the culprit panicked and kidnapped them as well."

Tadashi paled at his words. He was right. He did know. But how could Kazuma get this information? Only the club members knew of it...


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