Dutch frowned and moved away, "I don't know," he walked over to a chair and sat down. (F/N) sighed, "I get the position you're in, but this place, it brings back memories...painful ones."

Their fearless leader looked at (F/N), "I know son, I understand the pain you've been through, but times are tough."

The gunslinger nodded, "I know, the laws hunting us like madmen. And it feels like things are different, they want us gone, badly."

Dutch nodded, he leaned forward, the fear of losing everything was written on his face, "I know what you mean...but we're smarter. We're always five steps ahead."

(F/N) smiled, their leader was brilliant, "Dutch is a great man, Mr. (L/N). He knows what he's doing."

(F/N) smiled at Molly, her words rang true, she smiled back as she started sowing something, Dutch looked at him, "By the way, I've been meaning to ask you. Why does Hosea think I'm your father?"

(F/N) sighed and spoke softly so Molly wouldn't hear, he had wished he hadn't brought that up, "When we went hunting for that bear he thought that you and I had a lot in common, and he knew that I was related to someone here, so he made an assumption."

Dutch scoffed and stood up, muttering, "That old man made a bad one then," he spotted Arthur and yelled out, "Arthur! Come here a minute."

Dutch's right-hand man nodded and walked over, as he did Dutch spoke up, "Hosea is under the impression, that (F/N) is my son. What do you think?"

Arthur laughed for a couple of seconds, as he tried to draw a connection, "You kidding me? Who in their right mind would think that?"

(F/N) was about to reply but a voice shouted out through camp, "They got Micah!" (F/N) saw Lenny frantically riding towards, them on his horse, as he jumped off he ran over to the trio, he was panicking, "Dutch...Arthur...(F/N)...they got Micah!"

When Lenny ran up he was out of breath there was fear in his eyes, Dutch questioned him, "What's going on?"

Lenny answered him he was a wreck, "He, he's been arrested for murder. He was arrested in Strawberry...he...he..."

Dutch interrupted him, "It's okay, son. Breathe."

Lenny followed Dutch's advice, he immediately took a deep breath, his hands were on his knees as he calmed down, "They nearly lynched me...They got Micah in the sheriff's in Strawberry and there's talk of hanging him."

(F/N) jumped in joy, "There is a god," Arthur chuckled at him. Dutch turned to him, disappointed in him, "(F/N)."

Arthur spoke up, he was hoping they hung him, "I'm with the boy on this Dutch. The fool brought this on himself. You know my feelings about him."

Dutch sighed and looked at the two men, he needed to convince them to do something, "You think I can't see past his bluster to the heart inside? Despite what he has done, he's a fine man."

(F/N) threw his hand up and walked away, "I'm not saving him, there's nothing you can say to convince me."

The gang's leader sighed, he looked at the other man, "And I'm not asking you to son." Arthur suddenly understood what Dutch was saying, "No, I'm not doing it either."

As they had it out, (F/N) walked over to a nearby table, Lenny was sitting on one of the chairs. He looked at him, Lenny still looked out of it, "You alright?"

Lenny nodded, he was out of it, "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just worried about Micah."

(F/N) scoffed, he hoped that bastard died, "Don't be, that piece of shit wouldn't have even come back to camp in a hurry if it was you who got caught."

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