I know I'm being needy, but I miss him a lot.

"Oh, bummer, I'm sorry," Liam says, giving me a small frown.

"Yeah, it sucks." I let out a long sigh and open up Zayn's message next.

"From: Zayn Malik, January 11th, 2014:

hey , have u thought any more abt what i said abt meeting with me and Niall ? he hasnt stopped asking abt u since i got back here yesterday ... :/"

I close my eyes and hit the phone against my forehead. I had totally forgotten all about Niall and Zayn being here.

"What's wrong now?" Liam asks me, I look up and see Sophia starting to take our plates in the kitchen.

"Have I ever told you about my best friend Zayn from back home?" I ask Liam, who nods his head.

"Yeah, you've mentioned him."

"Well, he's up here in London for a few days, and he came by and saw me last night." I explain to him, watching Liam nod his head listening, "But the thing is, he's up here with someone else."

"Who?" He asks instantely.

I look up at the ceiling and sigh, "Niall, they-"

"Alli, no." Liam cuts me off, "Don't even think about seeing that asshole. Why are you even considering meeting with him after all the shit he's put your through? I don't like this, nope, don't like this one bit."

I bite my lip and listen to Liam ramble on, "I know, I know, I shouldn't meet with him. But like, his mom just died, and I feel awful  wasn't at her funeral. Maura was like my second mom, and.. I don't know, I just wanna see him and say sorry and everything. I feel bad."

"You shouldn't feel bad, Alli. You don't need to see him just because you feel bad." Liam says, and I purse my lips a bit, "It's just- You know how I feel about the kid. I have never met him in my life and yet I want to rip the little piece of shit into pieces. So, whatever you say about him I'm always gonna go against it."

"Yeah, I know you are." I agree, because he's right.

"And I'm not banning you from going, I'm not your father, or your boyfriend, because if I was your boyfriend Niall would have been dead by now-"

"I get it." I let out a giggle, which makes Liam laugh.

"Right, but, as your bestfriend, I'm saying that you shouldn't go and asee Niall. Sure, go and see Zayn however many times you want, shit, bring him to my house and we can drink, but not Niall. Please. I just, I get this feeling he's bad news, like something is going to happen, and it's not gonna be pretty."

"No, yeah, you're right." I nod my head, grabbing the glass of wine Sophia has offered me.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" Sophia asks, plopping down next to Liam and grabbing the remote.

"Let's just drink and see where the night takes us." Liam raises his beer can and holds it into the air, me and Sophia laugh and raise our wine glasses, taking a sip after we've done with the toast...thingy.

I stare down at my phone some more, reading Zayn's text over and over again. Liam is right, but then, Liam is always right. I know I shouldn't go see Niall, the whole world would tell me to not go and see Niall, but, I don't know. I just feel so awful about everything that has happened with him and his mother passing, that I just want to see him, if even for a little bit. This will be the only time to do it too, since Harry is out of town and won't be here to get angry with me, he won't even know. And Zayn will be there, so it's not like I'm technically just being alonr with Niall, I'll have Zayn there too. So, it's more of Zayn and I hanging out, and Niall just so happens to be there.... 

My fingers move on my phone before I can even stop myself.

"To: Zayn Malik, January 11th 2014:

You both can come to my place on Tuesday if you'd like, I get off work at 4. :)"

I press send, lock my phone, and set it right next to me. Liam smiles at me while Sophia laughs at something he must've said. I smile back, guilt rising inside of me.

What am I even doing?


*plays Jaws music in the background* it's gettin' good guys....holy crap...i'm scared and excited to see what you gusy think of the last chapters omgggggg. ;) ;) ;) but this chapter is unedited, just like many of my chapters lol, so sorry for any mistakes!

and if you're asking, yes, i adore Liam and Sophia, i think they're so cute together, she's gorgeous. :)

i do fancy a loooot of zayn and liam tho...wink wink. nudge nudge. ;)

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