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I always knew there was something different about me, not special just different. I don't really know how to explain it because it wasn't anything i did or thought or even knew that made me feel that way. I think it was more of what i felt inside, like a gut feeling i guess.

I was the geek in school who continuously had perfect grades. I never did anything wrong or stupid, i hardly ever got asked out and had to work every spare hour to pay for university.

My mom and dad were divorced before i was five so i went to live with my dad. Then when i was eight my dad died, so i went to live with my mom. I don't look like my mom, not now or when i was growing up. My mom has short shoulder length blonde hair, green eyes that look as Green as fresh grass in the summer when the light shines in them. She has golden brown skin as a result of many years of spray tans and bubblegum pink lips. Shes always been a slender woman and doesn't mind showing it off in her tightly fitted clothes. I look more like my dad. I have his long thick curly black hair, His big round ocean blue eyes and pail white skin that never tans with only a hint of pink touching my cheeks. I didn't know where i got my lips from because both my parents had thin lips but mine are full and plumped. As a result i always look like I'm pouting.

My mom always tells me what a handsome man my dad was. She tells me about his facial expressions and all the little things a camera doesn't catch. i don't really remember much about him. but in all the pictures i have he never seemed to age. I guess i now know why.


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