When he saw Bullseye his eyes widened slightly, his black coat was shining in the sun, instead of being caked with mud. And somebody had combed the leaves and dead bugs out of his mane and tail. (F/N) stopped, Hosea passed by him, "Who took care of Bullseye?"

Hosea packed the rifle onto his horses' saddle, "I saw that boy, Kieran brushing him. Apparently, he's good with horses. And besides someone has to keep him clean, cause we all know you won't."

(F/N) shook his head, he refused to believe that he could do anything wrong, he grumbled to himself, "I know how to take care of my horse!"

Hosea rolled his eyes but didn't reply, as he climbed onto his own horse, he knew exactly what he did and didn't know.

(F/N) threw the saddlebag on Bulleye's back, he was still sore, he jumped on the horse, both men rode out of camp. They were both excited to go hunting away from everyone.


(F/N) took a long breath of the untouched country air. Blue skies, tons of green, clean water, animals running around, this was the life. (F/N) looked at Hosea, "I wish we could find a spot somewhere around here."

Hosea nodded, as he looked ahead, he imagined they if they did, "There'd be nothing wrong with that."

(F/N) smiled as the pair rode through the forest, he allowed himself to daydream about the future of the gang, "All we'd need is everyone at camp, Lenny, Mac, and Sean, and it would be paradise."

Hosea looked at (F/N), he had left one person out, "What would we do about Micah?"

(F/N)'s expression grew dark, as he thought about that asshole, "Oh he would be mauled to death by a bear in that paradise."

Hosea laughed, he hated Micah almost as much as (F/N), "I agree with you there...Why do you hate Micah so much?"

(F/N) looked at the old man, as if he has just asked a dumb question, "Everyone hates him, he's disrespectful, arrogant, and he's insane. Just to name a few reasons. The only reason Dutch doesn't kick him out of the gang is because Micah's constantly kissing his ass and telling him how great he is."

Hosea nodded, and poked further, "But you hated him before you knew all that. You hated him as soon as he said his name."

(F/N) bit his lip, and gripped the reins harder, he was getting pissed off just talking about him, "I could tell the kind of person he was. It's because of him that we robbed that boat and lost Jenny and Davey."

Hosea looked at the ground, both of them missed the fallen, (F/N) inhaled letting his anger go, "But I shouldn't drum up all of that. We're taking a break from that."

Hosea smiled, and spoke in his fake French accent "We are indeed, my dear nephew."

(F/N) laughed out loud, as he reminded him of one of their old jobs, "After all this time, that still makes me laugh. Every time I hear you talk that way I keep seeing that guys face."

Hosea smirked, as the old memory, "Well you were the one that spoke to him in a Southern accent. I'm still sour that you didn't go with the plan."

(F/N) laughed again, and spoke in his Southern accent, "To be honest, I was just tickled to see his reaction." The two men burst out laughing as they kept riding. 

As the pair rode on, they made it out of the woods, revealing the large pond. (F/N) whistled when he saw Moonstone Pond, it was absolutely beautiful. The cool clear water looked like an excellent fishing spot, the setting sun was reflecting off of the water in a way that made it look heavenly, "I'm definitely coming back here again."

Red Dead Damnation (Van der Linde gang x Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant