F O U R : L O V E F O R G O T T E N

Start from the beginning

"The plan was to have Katarina's identity changed, to make it as if she never existed. I had a trusted contact of mine at the time who was keen at forging important documents; birth and death certificates, social security cards, the works. By the end of the day Katarina was a whole new person at only six months old."

"We felt she was safe now, able to live a happy life. Plus being on the church grounds with the wards, she was thoroughly protected. Father Samuel kept us updated on everything for the first two months she was here. However, in that time, you had recovered and were asking for her, wanting to know where she was. Your Mum of course didn't know the details and your Father would only tell you that she was safe and not to worry. You stubbornly demanded to see her even after constantly being told no, that she was no longer a part of your life."

"Eventually you become distant to everyone, stopped smiling and laughing. You didn't even want to participate in your own birthday party. Your Mum was concerned for your mental health and broken heart. We all were. To see a once happy now seven year old become an empty shell of emotion, was hearthbreaking in itself."

"It only got worse from there. One day, I was heading to the orphanage to check-in on Katarina with Father Samuel. I had always made sure I wasn't being followed and I never made direct contact with Katarina. I didn't want the enemy, if they were watching, to catch on and put her back in harms way. She was a safe and happy eight month old, and I intended to keep it that way."

"She was outside in the yard sitting with Mother Elizabeth when I came by. I walked inside the church with Father Samuel to have our usual discussion of Katarina. I was informed that there was a few families who were wanting to meet Katarina to foster and possibly adopt if all things worked out. I was happy for her. She had a rough start in life and I felt this was a second chance for her."

"After our visit I walked back outside and that's when I saw you, sitting in the grass with Katarina in your lap. For the first time in two months, I saw the happy boy I once knew. You had a huge smile across your face and were laughing. You were picking dandelions out of the grass and showing Katarina how to blow on them to make the seeds fly in the air. Every time you did, Katarina would shriek with laughter and clap her little hands. You were both in your own little worlds together."

"I felt grief as I watched you two, knowing that this couldn't happen. You couldn't show up here and put yourself back into her life. For one, it wasn't safe for you, because of the wards. For her, it was because if anyone smart enough were to put two and two together, they'd figure out quickly who she was. It's not common for a demon to have a connection like that with just a mere human."

"I approached you and asked how you gotten here and you informed me that you'd secretly followed me here. That you just had a feeling I was going somewhere that had to do with Katarina. I informed you that you shouldn't have done that and that it was time to go. You were instantly hurt and didn't want to leave her."

"Eventually I convinced you to leave, informing you that it wasn't safe for either one of you to be together. That you being there, was putting her in harms way. I knew by telling you that, you'd give up the fight. You would've never intentionally harmed her."

"Another few months passed and in that time Katarina had been put into a foster home. I don't know how you had figured out where she was living, but you did. You were always a genius child, putting together puzzles and solving equations that children twice your age still couldn't figure out."

"It wasn't until after an incident that your Father and I figured out you'd been secretly spying on the family Katarina was staying with, trying to be her protector from the shadows. One day your Father had gotten a call from the local police stating that you had assaulted another kid at his home, the home where Katarina was now living. The kid was in bad shape. You had went a little too far with your demon powers and had broken his wrist and threw him up against the living room wall, causing him to get a concussion."

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