Chapter 16

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Here is another chapter hope that you would enjoy reading.

Good day to all

Kian's POV

(Days passed and I thought that they are going to ask the class immediately but they did not... so I just waited patiently until they're okay with it)

"I guess I'll just have to wait until they want to talk about it" I said to nothing in particular while walking to school.

I made by siblings drop me again a few blocks away from school like I always do so here I am walking to school.

While I was walking something came up to my mind.... the letter which they have read that day.

(I still can't accept that Kim would write a letter like that and that time he never spoke about it... I'm curios what is really written in that letter...) then a memory crossed my mind making me shake my head to forget about it.

"Could I ask Kyle if I could see the letter that they are talking about? Would they probably give me a chance to scan and look at it?" I said while stopping in my tracks and then looking at the school gate which is near in view.

"Yeah.. I guess I could do that. And if they won't then that's it. I won't force them since they would suspect that I have another motive" I murmur while I began to walk again.

It was break already when I have decided to ask Kyle about the letter. We are at our usual table while eating our usual snacks and doing what we usually do.

(Okay then this is it. Let's do this) I took a deep sigh before looking at him.

"Kyle, can I ask you a favor?" I ask him when he was about to take a bite of his sandwich.

He looks at me innoscently and Jas looked at me too while sipping her juice in her hand. I swallowed hard and took a breath before looking at them in the eye.

(I need to prove something... and to have an answer for that I need to look at the letter which they said Kyle received that day... and that paper which they believed and hold unto until now)

"Sure what is it?" he said before continuing what he was doing a while ago. He took a big bite of the sandwich making me chuckle.

"uhm.... Can I see--- I mean could I see... if it is okay with you two.... can I see the... the... the letter which you talked about the other time. The one you say that you have recieved that day" I said honestly looking away.

He suddenly stopped munching his food and look at me. Then he looks at Jas who is also frozen still and looking at me. Kyle slowly puts down his sandwich on the table before looking at me.

"uhm... er... it's fine if you don't want to" I said while feeling sad in case I could persuade them if they are thinking no.

He looked at Jas and the both of them talked mentally since I saw them both staring at each other intently for a few seconds before facing me.

"Sure... but..." he looks around making me look around too confusedly.

(What is he looking at? Is he finding something or what?) I though while looking at the surroundings and saw nothing.

"... let's talk about it when the class ends and try not to tell anyone from the class" he said making me nod my head in approval.

(huh.... I thought that I will have more time in persuading them. But to my surprise I would get it easily like this though maybe the orthes would be not happy about this)

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