Chapter 23

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// So here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Comment and tell me what you feel.

Lot's of love to all.//

Kian's POV

I walked to school with a still sleepy body because of what happened last night.

"If they could just tell me the truth and I could understand it. I know that my brother is also hiding something from me and I need to find it out" I whisper to myself as I enter the school compound.

I stopped and stare at the front gate before I walk again. I look around and try to scan the school compound to see if that idiot is around in case he would try to get back his revenge.

"I hope that, that bastard won't bother me today or else I'm screwed again and I don't like to fight with him now" I mutter to myself when I didn't saw him around.

"HUH... why do I always end up fighting other people?" I sighed and questioned myself as I slowly drag my body to school.

"KIIAAANNNN" I surely hear a familiar voice screaming behind me.

I followed where the voice is coming from and I saw a boy who is waving at me. He was at the front gate waving while wearing a happy smile.

"KYLEEEEEEE" I shouted and wave back while returning a smile too.

I waited for him to come near me before putting my shoulders around his. A friendly greeting of mine that I was used to do.

"Early aren't we" he teased making me scoff.

"I need to see if that idiot has a plan to take me done" I said and he suddenly look at me in worry.

"If you haven't.... you--"

"Come on stop, it's not your fault since besides I really wanted to do that to him" I said reassuring him since I saw him look upset.

"But still..." he protested but I raised my hand.

"Enough with that and where's Jas?" I asked trying to change the subject and it worked.

I tried to look around since I still haven't seen her came in, in front to the gates.

(Did she entered early or is she late? They usually come in at the same time. Did something happen?) I thought while looking at Kyle in confusion.

He also looks confused so I asked him again.

"Aren't both of you always come to school at the same time?" I asked and he just raise his shoulders.

"Well not today since she said that she will do something so I came here first. I thought that she's already he-"

"Were you looking for me?" somebody said and we both got surprised and immediately turn around and look at the person who spoke.

"Why are you so jumpy?" she teased and I scolded here.

"Don't fucking do that okay. You nearly gave me a heart attack and scare the shit out of me" I scolded and she looked at me apologetically and I just roll my eyes.

"Opppssss... sorry. I didn't mean to scare the shit out of you" she teased and I wanted to smack her head.

I composed myself as I looked around and fix myself. I calm myself from nearly wanting to hit her head.

"Let's go or else we are going to be late" I said and started to walk when suddenly I looked around and feel that somethings missing until I realized it.

High School The Series: Unraveling The SecretsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя