Chapter 6

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// Sorry for the late UP...//

Ivan POV
“He was really something, he outran us not only you but the three of us damn” Owen muttered while we were sitting.

We are at my apartment and we are currently watching basketball.

“Shot it” Eric shouted scaring I and Owen.

“You nearly gave me heart attack” I said as Owen abruptly smack his head.

“Well I’m sorry since I’m trying to watch TV here while the both of you keep on talking about that boy” he snickers at us.

(Yeah why the heck I am thinking about the boy in the first place)

Bzzt, bzzt my phone rings and I opened it. I check the one who texted me.

From: Sam
“I’m free today and my parents are not home. Maybe you could drop by and play”

“Sure be there in a sec” I wrote and clicked send.

“I’m getting laid tonight” I cheered to them.

“Emily” Eric asked.

“Nope Sam” I simply said at him.

“Her parents are out she texted me” I continued and chuckle.

“Yeah yeah yeah. Now  get out” Owen shouted.

“You’re going to stay here” I asked him but both of them replied.

“Yes now get out and don’t ask more” they said while eyes on the TV.

“Don’t fucking think of something and destroy my apartment or else I’ll kill you both” I shouted before going out.

I got my keys and started going to Sam’s house. She’s one of the cheerleaders I met at school.

I pulled in front of their house and parked my car immediately.

I press the doorbell and a minute passed the door opens revealing Sam wearing an oversized sweatshirt until her thigh exposing her legs.

“Come inside” she said making me grin and entered the house while she close the door behind.

Then without saying a word she attacked my lips kissing me so in response I kissed her back.

She led me to her room and I laid her in her bed. Kissed her and removed my shirt. I slid my hand to her back earning a moan.

“Moan for me baby” I said in a husky voice.

(This is going to be a long night and I needed it)
After we finished she fell asleep so I immediately cleaned myself and walked out of her house.

(I don’t usually stay for the night I always go home)

She was really a mess moaning my name the whole time we did it. And I fucked her so hard she nearly passed out.

I came home by the time 10 pm and I saw Owen and Eric sleeping on the different couches. I immediately went to bed since I’m tired.

“So how did it go” suddenly Owen spoke scaring the shit out of me.

“Fucking bastard you nearly gave me a fucking heart attack” I said while standing up and holding the pillow.

“Geez no need to exaggerate it” he said while sitting down in the bed.

I drop the pillow and sit down also on the bed near him.

“So tell me why aren’t you in bed now” I snicker and eyed him.

“I just want to know-” he said in calm voice. (Oh that's what his going to ask me. He waited just to ask me that) I get so I cut him off.

“Oh, I fucked her so hard that she can’t even move” I bluntly said.

“That’s not what I meant” he said making me look at him.

“I think that’s what you thought” I joked and he looked at me serious.

“Are you really going to play with these girls again. I think you need to stop” he said and I looked at him confused.

“Do you like Sam” I asked looking at him.

“Nope not at all” he sternly said.

“Then why are you telling me this” I asked.

“Since you are my friend and I don’t want you to get a disease” he said smacking my head.

“I’m using protection dad” I sarcastically joked and he stands up.

“Okay that’s it I already warned you” he said and went to bed.

(They are really a brother to me and that’s why they became my friends)

I can’t sleep so I opened my laptop and log-in to my schools account.

“So what is the topic today”  I mumble while scanning the schools webpage.

(Oh it is all about the incident this morning at school)

“This is so cool” I mumble since some are telling bad names at him and some are pitying him but something caught my eye.

Written in bold letters it read. “BE READY MR. KIAN DAWSON” (So some of my fans already targeted him)

“This is going to be fun” I mumble while smirking.

I scan more on the website and end myself at looking at someone’s pictures.

It’s not only someone since it’s the boy who hit me. A photo was taken by some of them and posted it here.

“What was his name again… oh right Kian Dawson” I stare at the picture and quite fascinated by it.

(Geez what I am doing looking at someone’s picture and specially him no freaking way)

I immediately close my laptop and lay on the bed.

“This year might be exiting” I mumble before drifting to sleep.

Someone’s POV

“He really got the guts to punch him” I said in gritted teeth.

“That bastard is needed to be taught that fighting Ivan means fighting us” I snicker again.

“He also has with him the gay boy at the school let’s teach them a lesson” someone snorted.

“I have a better idea” our leader said and smirked while we nod.

She typed something on her laptop. “BE READY KIAN DAWSON” my other friend read.

“So what’s the plan” I asked.

“I bet he will be surprised as fuck”
Then all of us laughed in a very demonic way we could ever master.

“Enough already” our leader said but suddenly laughter filled the room.


//I hope you enjoy this chapter.... and thank you for reading.

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