Chapter 19

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Ivan's POV

"That person..... what is his name again? Oh yeah..... Kian, is something" I muttered while I stare at the ceiling.

I am in my room by the way , laying on the bed while staring at the ceiling in deep thoughts about that day.

(I can't deny the fact that, that boy really caught lots of attention...... including mine considering all the stunts he did at school)

"There is something about him that is such a mystery pulling you from your thoughts wanting to know what is it? Did you ever felt like this?" I groan in irritation while raising my hand in the air then making them fall on the bed creating a thud sound.

My bed shaked because of the impact of my hands from falling back making me clear my self from my deep thoughts.

"Wait.... Why am I even thinking about that guy?" I smacked my face with my hands and then letting it slide down my face while releasing a deep sigh.

"ARHHHHHHH" I shouted in irritation while immediately waking up and going into a sitting position.

Then I realize what I am even doing so I sigh in frustration and let myself fall down into my bed creating a thud sound again before covering my face with my hands one more time.

Then the door suddenly burst open making me to straighten up immediately in a sitting position like a while a ago because of shock.

I look at the intruders and I nearly laughed if this was a joke but I all saw them wearing a serious look. I look at them confused while they all scan around the room.

It was my family who suddenly barge in my room.

(And you know what's even more surprising... it goes like this.... so listen carefully as I describe them)

My mom was holding a baseball bat; my brother was holding two frying pans in his hands while my little sister was holding a spoon and fork in both of her hands.

And they all look like they are ready to beat someone in their state making me shiver when they all look at me.

You can't imagine our situation here. It looks like they are about to beat me and if mom sure didn't speak I was really thinking that they are going to beat me and I am ready to jump outside through the window which is near me.

"What happened?" my mom said while swaying the bat.

"Where is the thief?" my brother asked as they all scan my room making me sigh in relief.

(I really thought that they are going to beat the shit out of me considering that they all wear a serious face when they barge in)

But when my sister spoke it made all of us look at her and we all laughed so hard making her look at us in confusion.

"Whre ish tey uwgly cockworach?" she said making all of us laugh.

Mom slowly put down the baseball bat knowing that there is no danger in the house while my brother holds the two frying pans in his left hand while the other was holding his stomach and leaning on the way.

I then look at my sister with tears in my eyes. She looks utterly confused making me ease down and stop laughing.

"Oh you silly.... Why would I be scared of a cockroach? Aren't they small? They should be the one to be scared of me" I asked her and she just shrug and scan my room.

High School The Series: Unraveling The Secretsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن