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Gally's POV

The siren finally stops when I reach the Box. "Bloody finally, I hate that sound." I smile and turn around to see Athena jogging in my direction. Her hair a mess, dirt on both sides of her face. "Hi there mudface. What have you been doing?" I pluck a chicken feather from her hair. She just smiles and kisses my cheek. "Not dying." She grins and watches the metal doors from the Box opening. I leave her for a couple of hours and she looks like she's had a fight with multiple chickens... wait is that a fingerprint? "How did you get dirt on your face little?" She looks at me confused and wipes her face. "Oh... Newt tried covering my ears when the siren went off. His hands must've been dirty from digging the snail traps." She smiles at me, like that's the most normal explanation in the whole world. Before I could ask anything else, she walks towards the opening, waving at the other Builders who are getting ready to unload the supplies. I clear my throat. I'm still the Keeper. "Alright, same as last time. Greg, with me." I kiss the top of her head when I walk past her, making sure the others could see. "Let's get to working Greenie." she chuckles and stands at the side, ready to inspect the content of the crates. I jump in, making the cage swing a bit. Greg already hands me a crate, which I hand to Philip and Brad above. This is actually a good workout. I haven't worked out since she came up... I keep working, listening to her voice above me. "Clothes and shoes, over there. Livestock to the left. Alex could you... " I hear the crate opening. " thanks. To the right pile. medicine, over there..." I gesture Greg to wait and take of my shirt, all soaked now, and throw it in the direction of her voice. "EY... bloody hell not again!" I see her face appear over the edge. "Gally you're a stinking shank!" She kicked over the bucket of stream water next to the opening of the Box, pouring the content all over me. and it's cold. She laughs, picking up the bucket before it falls in."Good thing I brought the shower with me this time. You're welcome!"  Even Greg, whose also wet, snickers softly. "Hand me the bloody crate shuckface." I'll get my revenge. 

Athena's POV

The Builders start sorting the building supplies themselves, taking them to their hut. I ask Alex to open the crate with clothes again, wanting to go through it first. "Thank you. I'll manage." I smile as he picks up a crate with livestock and starts carrying it towards the Bloodhouse. I look at the content and sigh. More brown and dark blue shirts... something at the bottom catches my attention when two hands pick me up and press me against a wet body, soaking my entire back. "Ew Gal! That's cold!" I can't help but giggle, I gave him the cold shower to begin with. He whispers in my ear. "It's my shirt, I can make it wet if I want to..." I shiver a bit, feeling his lips press against my neck. "You're going to get a boner if you keep doing that..." He spins me around and presses his whole body against mine. "I got enough self control... how about you little Greenie?" I feel myself getting red, my insides tingling, screaming to be touched. He smirks "Looks like you need a cold shower yourself." Then he looks at the content of the crate and frowns. "What are those?" I kneel down and take the piece of clothing out, holding it up. Smiling. "These are my new shorts."

Even at lunch, Gally won't drop it. "Really little? I've got boxers that are longer than that. You're not wearing it." I roll my eyes and look at the others for help. They just look down at their plates, even Newt. cowards. "It's not fair Gally, look at yourself. You're walking around here half naked almost all the time." He glares at me "That's different. And it doesn't mean you should too." I groan, frustrated. "Everyone has legs. What are my bare knees going to do? Cause a riot?" Alby looks up, "They better not. Gally just let her wear the damn shorts and be done with the bickering, good that?" He wants to open his mouth again, but decides against it. I had already finished my sandwich, gave the second one to Gally, so I got up. "Where are you going?" I look at Newt. "I'm going to change. A dry shirt, shorts..." I peck Gally on his temple, glad that he's got his mouth full. As I'm walking over to the hut, I start untying the bandage. I need my arm if I want to get this shirt off of me... 

TMR Gally - hate him love himWhere stories live. Discover now