ice for that burn

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The rain is tapping on the roof. I love that sound... "Alby, you can't do that!" "Banish her, look what she did to Jeff!". A British accent shouts "SLIM IT YOU SHANKS! We're not banishing her, good that? Gally, what do you have to say about it?" The voice vibrates against my head, as if I'm... "Well I'm holding her, what do you want me to say? She's not running again, I'll make sure of it. And Jeff is not coming near her again." I feel myself tense up. He's holding me. So that I won't escape again. The other voices start talking again, all at once, creating a humming sound. I try to relax again, so my captor won't know that I'm awake. pretend to be dead, pretend to be dead... Oh no... He gets up and walks away from the humming of voices. A drop of water hits my cheek. we're outside? where is he taking me?  I continue to play dead, but try to open my eyes a little bit. It's dark, but not night time dark. He's taking me to a hut, build against... is that a giant wall?? Inside, he almost drops me on a bed. "Okay, play time is over. I know you're awake. start talking Greenie, before I change my mind and take you back to the Gathering." I open my eyes and shuffle back, until my back hits the wall. my head is still pounding... He's sitting on a chair, in front of the only door.  shit shit shit. he's big... I look at him and evaluate my chance of overpowering him. Broad shoulders, muscular, definitely taller than me and by the looks of it, angry. his eyes are a pretty green. I snap out of it. "Where am I? who are you? Who.. am I?" My name, what is my name, how old am I? how do I look?  a million questions pop into my head, without any answers following them. an annoyed sigh catches my attention. "You'll remember your name in a few days, they let you keep that. All the other memories are gone, this is your life now. This place" he gestures to nothing in particular " is called the Glade. We don't know why we're here or who put us here. Every month a Greenie is send up, like clockwork." He stops and hesitates. Sighs again "But never a girl. So why you? Why now?" 

He looks at me like I'm a wild animal in a cage. "So... 47 Gladers... One me. No way out of the maze, which changes every night. No memories. Grievers..." My head is spinning from all the information. or the concussion from earlier. I can't see what the Glader in front of me is thinking about. He still looks kinda mad. "Why did you bring me here?" He looks up at me. "You're not welcome at a Gathering that's about to decide what to do with you. It's the rules." He says it like I should've know that. I roll my eyes at him. what's his name even?  "Gally! are you in there? Alby wants the Keepers to... whoa. Hello." the Asian guy smiles when he sees me. what? "I didn't know you took Greenies to your hut Gally, bold move." He punches Gally's shoulder. He looks more than pissed now and gets up from the chair, letting it fall backwards. "Get that Shank Thomas in here, he better watch the Greenie." as he walks out with the Asian looking guy, another boy entered the hut, closing the door behind him. Eyes glued to the floor. "Hi, my name's Thomas and I'll be your babysitter for this evening." a small smirk appears on his lips as his brown eyes meet mine. I stay quit as he picks up the chair and turns it around, so he can lean his arms on the back. "Any good jokes you know, Greenie?" Now it's my turn to sigh, what is this guy his problem. 

"I'm glad you're here you know, I was the Greenie before you. I'm a Runner now." he winks at me, as if that should be impressive. I lay down on the bed and try to ignore Thomas his endless rambling about the Glade and everyone in it. "Are you going to sleep here? in Gally's bed? you've got some balls Greenie." he's silent for a minute. "Figurative balls of course... because you're a girl... You don't have balls, right? I don't remember any other girls but I'm pretty sure that's the case." I've had enough of this shit. "If you don't stop talking right now, you won't have any balls either." The door opens as Thomas looks at me startled. Gally walks in, yanks Thomas by his collar and pushes him out of the hut. is that... a smile? is he really smiling?  as soon as the thought forms, Gally's face turns back to the usual scowl. "Okay Greenie. I'm going to take you to the Homestead. There, you can freshen up and stuff like that. Then, I'm taking you back here, where you'll be sleeping." He grabs my arm and yanks at it, so that I would get up. "Aw you brute! let go off me!" He simply glared and continued to drag me across the wet grass. I'm not going to let him! I fake a stumble and fall to my knees. Gally stopped half a hart beat and flings me over his shoulder. "I don't have time for this klunk Greenie. Shucking Newt, he should be the one looking after the Greenies... " he kept on grumbling things while walking with a steady pace towards a house-like building. looks like it could fall down any moment...

"Be quick about it." Gally shoves me in the bathroom and slams the door shut. I'll make him pay for this. Slowly I look at the room I'm in. There are a couple of shower stalls, without doors. and some toilets. with doors, but a 30 cm gap under and above. Waw. This is going to be my life? I realize that I'm going to live with almost 50 boys, teenagers... "Hurry up Greenie, you're not the only one wanting to use the bathroom. 2 minutes and I'm letting them in." I flick him the finger, even though he can't see because of the door. I use the toilet fast, wash my hands and look in the mirror. So that's how I look... My eyes have a blue colour, with spots of green. There are some freckles on my cheeks and nose, but my skin is fair. My hair is blonde, curly and long. and a complete mess I might add. I try to get the leaves out, but it's no use. I knock on the door, letting Gally know he can open it. But it wasn't Gally standing in the hallway. "Hello again Greenie. I'm Minho, Keeper of the Runners. How's it going?". Is he really flirting with me?

"Where's the angry one?" I take a step back, cautiously watching his every move. I refuse to call him by his name. He's not as tall as Gally or Thomas, but he's muscular and broadly build. "He said something about blankets and told me to keep a close eye on you. Which is my pleasure. You're a pretty one ey." He smiles as he looks me up and down, obviously checking me out. "Wow, I feel so much better now that I have you're approval. Thank you so much." I shove past him, into the hallway. Someone snickers "Need some ice for that burn Minho?". Some Gladers laugh, but Minho already recovered and jumps in front of me, blocking my way to the door. "Where do you think you're going pretty lady?" I want to wipe that dumb smile of his face. "Somewhere you are not". More laughs. He doesn't seem to be bothered by my rudeness, he might even like it? What is wrong with these dudes?? "Well I can't let you go just yet. But I can help you get away from Gally, if you want someone better looking to keep you warm tonight?" I can't help but grin seeing Gally standing behind him "Thank you Minho, for that generous offer. I think I'll take the Greenie now." Minho jumps at the sound of his voice, looking scared, but quickly recovers, grabbing my hand, giving it a kiss and walking away backwards "My fair lady, goodnight." I look at him in disgust, wiping my hand against my pants. "Ew". Gally smirks, grab my arm and drags me through the door. Is he even going to let me walk without dragging me?

"Alright I get it, no chance of escaping. you can let go of me now." He looks down at me, not trusting a word I say. "I don't want to be out there with the likes of Minho and who knows what other sicko's live here. And big Walls, so..." I can see a little smile form on his face, but he covers up a laugh as coughing. "Right. Get inside Greenie." he gives me a little shove. I let myself fall onto the bed and look at Gally, barricading the door. So that I can't get out, or so that they can't get in? I'm happy he did either way. "What's up with the Greenie thing? I've got a name you know." he looks over his shoulder "And that is?" "I..uhm..." he snickers "That's what I thought. you still don't remember. Would you rather I call you Shank? Shuck-face? Slinthead?" I stare at him, I don't even know what those words mean. I shift my gaze to my feet "no." I turn so that I'm facing the wall, curling up in a ball. Shivering. it really cools down in this Glade, damn.  Then the candle goes out and it's pitch black in the hut. I can hear Gally moving around clothes rustling. The bed moves a little. A blanket is thrown over me, but the shivering only got worse. "Where uhm..." "what is it Greenie?" I fell silent for a moment. "Where are you going to sleep?" there is only one bed here, the door is barricaded from the inside... "the floor. Alby's orders. now slim it Greenie, some of us have a job in the morning." 

TMR Gally - hate him love himHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin