"Look at me Logan," she said.

She untangled her hands from his, and moved them to his face.

"Logan.." with his face pressed between her palms, she stared directly at his heartbroken face.

In less than ten minutes, he had looked more dejected than she had ever seen. She knew what that workshop meant to him. It was where he got his livelihood from.. where he earned whatever he could from.

How did something like that happen?

"First things first, we should be glad that no one was there when it exploded. With all the gasoline, and chemicals you keep in there, do you know how brutal it may have gotten?? What if you were in there when it happened? huh? I would have lost you, and never gotten over that.."

As Emily talked, she could feel that Logan was not there with her. He looked so far away, somewhere in his head. She wanted to know what he was thinking about.

Emily had never been to his work place, but he had told her about it, and sometimes, sent photos of himself at work to her, and for once, she was extremely glad at the location he had it. A bit far from other buildings, and although close to the roadside, it was still a bit deep inside.

That building wasn't even meant to be a suitable one for a workshop, but with the little money he and Greg had, it was all they could afford. The more reason why they always had little, or no customers.

When Emily finished talking, Logan's eyes finally found hers, and she took in a breath of relief, but it turned out he hadn't been listening to her, because he had only five heart breaking words to say, and that crushed her.

"It was all i had."


A few days later, as Emily drove to Logan's place, her mind couldn't help, but think back to the incident that happened four days ago.

Just a few hours after telling Christian that the wedding was over, and then the same night, Logan's workshop goes ablaze?

Her grip on the wheel tightened as she sped on, relishing the thoughts that popped up in her head.

Did Christian have anything to do with this?


Jobless, frustrated, and depressed, Logan took another swig from the bottle of alcohol in his hands. The door to his apartment opened, and he dropped the bottle onto the table. He lit up a cigarette and took a long drag on it.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw Emily walk in, and take a seat next to him.

"I have to pay for the damages.. of the cars."

Emily frowned at the first words that he uttered. Her eyes moved to the alcohol and cigarette in his hands, and her frown deepened.

"Then i suggest you stop drinking and start saving up all that drink money." her voice was firm and serious. Logan looked at her, before taking the cigarette away from his lips.

"I- i uhm.. I'm sorry Emily. My head is just really not in the right place now. How are you? How's our baby?"

Emily could hear the true concern in his voice, and see the apology written on his face.

From where she sat, she scrutinized his face. His eyes looked heavy with eye bags underneath it. She wondered if he had even been sleeping since that day.

Frown marks creased his forehead, and the side of his mouth. He was dressed in a black polo shirt, and black ripped jean. His black bed hair looked messier than usual, like he had been pulling on it constantly. He looked dehydrated.

"I am fine Logan. You are not." she said. The cool demeanor she had masked herself  in, earlier on, slowly slipped off her. Heavy concern shone in her own eyes, and she moved closer, to sit next to him.

"What are you doing to yourself?" she whispered. He was breaking her heart by acting this way. This wasn't him.

"You shouldn't drink yourself to death because you lost something. I understand how important this was to you, but we could always find a way to work things out."

Logan smiled softly at her. He adjusted himself on the couch, and put his head onto her laps. Emily watched as his eyes dropped low with each stroke she gave his head.

Her hands worked their way softly, on his scalp. They massaged and caressed it.

He stretched his long lean legs further, and turned to his side. His face was in direct contact with Emily's stomach now, and he nuzzled his face against her tiny bump.

"Our baby must be so ashamed of me right now." he mumbled, with his eyes still shut.

"... months. Lots of months. Doing hard manual labour, involving ourselves in some dirty jobs... months of all that, before we had gathered enough to buy that place and the equipments. Sometimes, we didn't eat for a whole day, but we knew we had to sacrifice to get what  we wanted.."

The movement of her hand on his head, reduced slowly, as she listened with deep interest to his story. This was the firs time he was going into details of his life since he moved here.

"Then Greg left, and it was just me. Things had gotten a bit better. I could afford a few things, had little changes to spare, and i met you.." his eyes opened as he said those words. They stared directly at Emily's. It was like as if they could both see and read the pains in each others eyes, and Emily could feel the bile rise up in the back of her throat.

This man had the power to render her defenceless.

"then.. I loved you."

A tear drop landed on Logan's face.

Two more drops followed from her eyes after that, and then, he closed his eyes again.

"You gave me a reason to settle down. You gave me a family, and when i was getting so excited about that... this happens. I am a jobless person unworthy of you Emily." his voice cracked, but he spoke on.

"I am a failure."


Logan had fallen asleep on her laps. He had been asleep for over an hour, and Emily could only stare at his sleeping features.

After about ten minutes later, she softly, and slowly moved his head away from her lap while she stood up. She replaced his head on the now bare part of the couch she had sat on.

She walked to her bag, and took her phone out of it, before walking outside.

She dialed on Chad's number, and almost immediately, he had picked up.

"Hello Chad. I need you to do something for me."


After she had instructed Chad to find the numbers of the seven people who had their cars destroyed in the fire, and deposited to each of them, their required damage bills, Emily found herself back on the road.

Before she left, she had made dinner for Logan and kept it on the table, so he could easily see it when he woke up.

Arriving at her destination, the mighty high gates opened to welcome her in. She parked her car beside the five other cars there, and stepped down from it.

She grabbed her bag, and walked inside the house. With a pressed smile, she took off her dark shades, the moment she saw him climb down the stairs.

His eyes lit up on seeing her, and a huge grin spread out on his face.

"You came back." he mumbled, amused.

Emily forced another smile onto her face, before walking up to him.

"How about we have a really long talk... Christian?"


Word count : 1622

Song for the chapter : Lewis Capaldi : Someone you loved.


Heyy. 🙂

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Love Me In The Dark. [COMPLETED ✔✔] {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now