22: Survive The Night

Start from the beginning

We reach a staircase, stepping down it, where we see a table, already accompanied by Veronica, Jughead, Archie, and my mother. "Guys." Betty says sternly.

"Elizabeth, Emilia, how lovely." My mother hums. "Come join us, why don't you?"

I glare at Mother. "You, you poisoned me!" I shout as I stomp down the stairs.

She scoffs. "Oh, please."

"Penelope, what...what is this place?" Betty whispers.

"The Blossom Hunting Lodge on the grounds of Thornhill." I mumble

Betty looks at me, flabbergasted. "How did I get here?"

Penelope smiles. "I bought you from Mr. Evernever. Just as he was about to cut you into butcher's parts." She hums. "Now, Agatha here will show you to your place."

I turn around, nearly jumping out of my skin. "Sister Woodhouse." Betty stumbles out of her lips. The old woman holds a gun up to my cousin, her eyes cold.

"You naughty, naughty girl." She hisses at Betty.

"Agatha was one of my mentors. She cared for me when I was an orphan at The Sisters of Quiet Mercy. Taught me everything I know about poisons." Mother explains.

Betty's eyes widen in realization. "The murdered nuns. You did that?" She says as she sits next to Jug.

"Oh, loose ends. Such a bother, aren't they?" Penelope hums.

"Loose ends? Is that what we are?" Veronica asks as I am placed on the right of Archie, next to my horrific mother. Archie grabs my hand under the table, trying to soothe me.

My mom shakes her head. "Oh, gosh. No, not you. You are featured players." She looks around the table. "The sons and daughters of the original Midnight Club." She grins maniacally.

"Jug, what's happening?" Betty whispers.

Jughead never takes his eyes off my mom. "I've almost figured it out." He says under his breath.

"Oh, have you?" My mom hums. "Because if anybody could, it would be you and my daughter, Mr. Jones." She smirks. "But first, two more guests. I believe you know them already."

She rings a small bell, and slowly the Black Hood walks out from the hall behind my mother. And then, a curtain flies open, The Gargoyle King standing in all of his horrific glory. They stand side by side, and my grip on Archie's hand grows tighter.

"What have I told you? No masks at the dinner table." Penelope glares. "Take them off."

First, the Black Hood. Hal reveals his face, Betty, looking away. "Oh, my God." She whispers.

As Hal sits next to Betty, The King goes to take off his own. "Wait, King, before you do," She looks at my best friend since kindergarten. "Hellcaster. Care to take a stab?"

Jughead looks at me for a split second before back towards my mom. "Sure. Arthur Conan Doyle famously said, "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.""

"In which case, whoever it is underneath that mask must've had a connection to Hal and to you, Mummy Dearest." I say.

"But it's not Jason, because he's dead." My eyes widen. Jason was a suspect? "Even though his corpse is missing."

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