Chapter 20

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Wow!!! Chapter 20 already and 51 pages (dis- including this chapter!!!) WOOT!! This is the biggest story I have ever written! This chapter is 11 word pages!!! 

-Pic is of May!! Don't put many up because there isn’t many of her on the internet and I'm not totally sold for her character. Was considering changing her celebrity to Charlize Theron but I decided to keep it as it is!!

 *There is a little sexual content in two places but not too bad - I will leave a warning where it starts so if you don't want to read it just skips it. As I said though, it's not too full on*


We pull up outside house and I hop out of Oliver's car, grabbing my backpack with my clothes in it. Oliver walks around to my side of the car and slinks his arm around my shoulder. He grabs the bag from my hands.

"You don't have to carry that Ollie! It’s not that heavy!" I say.

"Its ok baby, I want to," he says in a caring voice.

I smile widely. He's such a cutie!! We walk up the steps of his house and open the door, walking inside. He throws my bag into his room on the bed and we keep walking to the lounge room which is where Payton is most likely to be.

I'm walk in front of Oliver and gasp. Payton is straddling Chris, kissing him. Payton's head shoots up from Chris and he groans at the sudden movement, licking his lips with his eyes closed. Payton shoots off his lap like there's no tomorrow and Chris finally catches on and looks over at us. He groans and grabs a couch pillow that's was beside him, putting it on his lip. It was pretty easy to tell why, ‘if you get what I mean.’

I was hoping Oliver was too late to notice but unfortunately he destroyed all my hope when he spoke, "Why Chris? You can't keep your dirty hands off my sister and you flirt with my girl! What the fuck is it with you?" he asks in a pissed voice.

Payton clears her throat, "It's me Oliver. Look, last time I came to visit you I fell for Chris. He told me we couldn't be together because of you but I'm sorry, I'm not blocking out my feelings for someone just because you're protective! Screw that! Anyways, we've been talking on the phone ever since then, almost every night. He's why I visited."

Oliver's fists tighten and I place a hand on his shoulder to calm him. He looks at me and I give him a pleading look. He sighs and loops his arm around my waist. "So what you're telling me is that you two have been calling each other for the last fucking year, never bothered to tell me and you, Payton, did not come here to visit me, but the man I live with. That hurts a little! Of course I'm going to be a little pissed, I mean, you should have told me sooner. I get you were anxious about my reaction but you should know that I accept your boyfriends! Fuck, I try to make friends with them, just for you! I'm not one of those guys who go all macho and threaten and shit! But wait, what does that mean? That you've been cheating on my sister? Yeah, you might not pick up every night but I have sure as hell seen you with a lot of women over the last year! I swear, I will knock your teeth out you!"

Payton shakes her head and swallows, "No he hasn't. Well, yes but no. It’s not cheating, we both agreed to have other people. We're in a relationship but we agreed that because we're so far away for the time being we can sleep with other people, just not exclusicly. I mean, we have needs."

Oliver's jaw drops in disgust, "If I lived in a different place to Mayarna there is no fucking way I would get with another chick! When you love someone you can wait! Why do you think we have a right hand? Well ok, there are a few other reasons but anyway, what I mean is that you don't go screwing around if you love someone! You don't want to unless it's with them!"

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