Chapter 3

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*There is swearing in this chapter... You have been warned :)*

---Oliver's P.O.V(Still)---

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! How could I ask Mayarna to come out with me? She's a pregnant woman, she shouldn't be clubbing! To make it worse she's also under age.... but then again so am I... She sent me a sexy smile which I returned. I tried took away from her body but my eyes just kept wandering over to her. Loose strands of hair were falling from her pony tail and trailing over her face. She had light makeup on. Her top half was covered by her white work T-shirt that clung to her body. There's a logo near her right breast with "Sweet Dreams" written on a cloud. The shirt sticks to her enough to make her small baby bump. Before she was wearing a loose shirt and there was no way in fuck that she looked pregnant, now I can tell but if I didn't know she was pregnant it might be a tiny stomach bump. She's still hardly got any fat on her. I mean, she doesn't look anorexic or anything, just slim and slightly toned. Personally I think she runs to keep in shape... What why was I even thinking of that? Damn those Jeans make her ass look amazing! She's so hot! I want her right now... NO! Oliver get your head checked out! You don't get into messy situations. Pregnant women are emotional and needy. I want a woman I can have my way with and then walk off, not worrying about them being upset or hurt because they were just in it for fun too.... didn't I? Maybe I was getting sensible and growing up... NO! I am not interested in her.... FUCK!

My eyes were still glued on her ass and she must have noticed me staring because she puts her head back and laughs, "Is a player checking me, a pregnant woman out? That's different!"

"I'm different," I correct. Before I can continue to come up with some verbal vomit for an excuse she cuts me off.

"Anyways, before we go can we stop in at mine? I need to get changed. I'll be quick, I promise!" She asks me, changing the topic much to my approval.

"Yeah, we just have to wait for my roomie, he's coming too. Oh.... Wait! Let's go while he does whatever he's doing. I'll just tell him we'll be back to pick him up soon." I say while walking away.

---Mayarna's P.O.V---

I stand in what I assume to be Oliver's garden/front yard. I watch him sprint up the steps and open the door, disappearing inside. Why am I even doing this? I don't want a one night thing, I want, make that need a man who will take care of me and treat me right. Who will treat my baby right. It sounds weird but for the first time I actually think about things properly. I am 17 and with child. The biological father doesn't give a shit and I haven't even told my mum. I will be graduating a pregnant whale in 4 and half months at 7 months pregnant. When I turn 18 my baby will already be in the world and 1 month old. How could I do this? To my baby or myself. I have ruined my life and if mine isn't stable nor is my babies. Nothing will be the same anymore. I have always wanted kids but not like this! I wanted to want a baby, not have one because I have no choice and was reckless, not that the pregnancy was my fault. Maybe I shouldn't keep her. It's not like Hutton would care. I still remember the exact conversation I had with him when I said I was having a baby.

I walked over to Hutton, prepared for almost anything. He gave me a seductive smile, if only he knew what was going through my head than maybe he wouldn't have been acting so smug.

"Hutton, I-I" I chocked on my own words. He stood with an eyebrow raised in amusement.

"I know I'm good baby but there's no need to get all worked up about it!" He replied being a smart ass. 

"Actually, I'm fucking pregnant you prick!"

"You whore! You said I was your first!"He spat. I was taken aback by his cruel words. He led me to believe that he loved me, acted romantic and sweet and then....

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