Chapter 11

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 "Oliver... Why isn't the lift going?" I ask in a soft voice.

 "Um.... I don't know..." he says while pushing buttons on the elevator to try and get it moving.

 Nothing happens. After a few moments Oliver presses the emergency call button and talks to a woman who says they can't get a technician in for two hours! The fuck?

 I slide down the elevator wall and Oliver does the same beside, "Shit! This is just great! Lucky I peed after I had the ultrasound!"

 "It is but knowing you, you'll still need to pee in five minutes!"

 "Hey! Be nice to me!"

 "So... We have two hours to waste.... Any ideas?"

 "Nope! I got nothing!" I reply.

 "Come here then," Oliver says while pulling me closer to him. He kisses me on the lips and then the frickin elevator woman starts talking to us... Damn it!

 "We got hold of a man to come in one hour now but that's best we can do. Are you both ok?"

 Oliver reaches up from his spot on the elevator floor, tilting his head to see which button to press. He presses it and replies to the woman that we're fine in a cocky voice.

 "Now, where were we?" he asks, turning his attention back to me.

 "I think you where just kissing me...."

 "I think I was!"

 After we have been kissing for a few minutes Oliver stops and just stares at me.

 "What?" I ask him.

 "I was looking at something beautiful, that's all..."

 "Oh, you have an imaginary friend?"

 "You idiot.... I'm looking at YOU," he says while shaking his head.

 "Oliver, what are we?" I ask, finally getting the thought that has been bugging me out into the open.

 "Humans!" he replies with a bright smile.

 I hit his arm softly, "No, what are WE, like are we just friends that flirt or..."

 "I don't know....I've never had the feeling I get with you and it's scaring the shit out of me! I don't even care that you're having someone else’s baby for fuck sake!" he says rather loudly.

 “I think I love you..." he says in almost a whisper.

 I sit, speechless for a few minutes. No one has ever said they love me in that way, even Hutton avoided it and he did everything to get into my pants before he was sick of waiting and did it anyway.

 "Well?" he says, vocalizing his words into the newly formed silence that envelops around us.

 "Well, what would that make us?"

 "Would you like to be my girl?" he asks me.

 "But what about all those other girls? What about 'Aubrey'."

 "Fuck Aubrey! I just told you I love you!"

 "Actually, you already have...."

 "Shut up," he says before bursting out laughter, "So is that a yes or no?"

 "Are you serious" It's a no.... I spend all my time with you and can't stop kissing you but I won't go out with you! Obviously it's a yes you beetroot head!'

 "Stop stealing my word!"

 "Sorry... I get to steal it all I like now.... We have to get out of the habit of swearing otherwise this baby will be a sailor before it can even talk!"

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