Chapter 29

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We've got over 100 votes on this story!!! Thank you all, without you it obviously wouldn't be possible! This is dedicated to everyone for putting up with my randomness!

Oliver and I walk hand in hand to the car. Oliver walks to my door and opens it for me. I sit in my seat and Oliver closes it. Oliver gets in the car too. I put my hand in his again. 

"I want to do something tonight, we never really had a first date, there was that day we met when we went to that cafe but we were just friends, then there was the nightclub. That was different...   We should have a proper first date."

"Ok, if that's what you want."

I nod and give him a kiss. 'Good. Let's go home and have a shower and stuff first though."

We pull up outside and head upstairs. Payton who drove my car, and Chris, also park the cars. Out yard looks a bit like the wreckers, just.... with cars not being wrecked.... A car dealer! I already have all Oliver's party planned out for the day after tomorrow which takes a lot of pressure off. I sit on the bed and think of what to wear. Oliver sits behind me and puts his head on my back with his hands on my stomach. I wasn't this pregnant when we met so I'm obviously going to look different... I lean over and get a dress out that's full length, black and has a plait like piece under the bust with ties to the side. (A/N: Photo on side).

Oliver kisses my back and I turn around, "I'm going for a shower, wanna come?"

I nod my head. A good thing is that now Payton and Chris are downstairs we don't have to worry about Chris opening the door! Oliver also likes to leave his clothing in the bedroom just to annoy me. 

Cliché as this sounds, we do the typical shower scene, undress each other. I turn on the water and get in, Oliver behind me; I turn around, "Why do you always get to be behind me? Maybe I want to hug your back..."

He laughs and points to my belly, "If you think you can...."

"Hmm," I turn around again. He lathers us both with soap and washes my hair. I love it then people play with my hair. "Suck up."

"Nah, I just know what you like. So, where are we going to go tonight?"

"I think, we should go to the riverbank."

Oliver shakes his head, "Too intimate for a first date."

I sigh, "Good point, but where else can we go?"

"Let's just go to a restaurant."

"Ok, but before I have to re-meet you, can we do things that people shouldn't do on a first date?"

Oliver laughs, "I'm at your disposal ma'am."

We head back to the bedroom so Oliver can get dressed and so I can get stretch mark oil rubbed in. It's become a routine that Oliver does it for me over the last month or so. Instead of being a sensual act, it’s more of a partnership. It was a little giggly at first because we hadn't done the deed yet but after a while we came to the silent agreement that just because we hadn't had sex, didn't mean we weren’t a proper couple. It didn't mean they we couldn't adore each other or show affection more than a kiss. The act is still romantic, but it can be that without leading to other things. It’s a way to show affection and appreciation.

My stretch marks do make me a little self-conscious, but I still love them. They show that my baby has a safe home until I can cradle him or her in the crook of my arm. I would be a lot more self-conscious around Oliver too but he adores the baby in my tummy and sometimes I catch him just literally staring at my bump with love in his eyes. If he were worried about my stretch marks, he wouldn't love them. He says they give a map of my life anyway. That like scars, they hold stories, just this one's a little bigger them some of the others.

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