Chapter 8

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Hi guys! Chapter eight already! Wow! Just so you all know, Phoebs is pronounced feebs :) I just spell it Phoebs because her actual name is Phoebe...


We all sit on a picnic blanket with red and white checks. Sun streams onto my face and warms me. 

"Swing? Come on!" Phoebe says sweetly.

"Phoebs, have some lunch first! Do you want a banana?" Crayna says to her little girl.

"Swing!" she says in a sad, tantrum voice.

"I said have lunch first! Do you want some chippies or some pizza?"

Wait.... We had hot chips and pizza? How the heck did we get those?

"Meany!" she says in an angry voice, "pizza."

"When did you make pizza?" I ask with my eyebrows raised high.

"While you were in the shower," mum replies. 

Geez, my showers aren't that long are they?

Crane hands Phoebe the pizza which looks edible... Not that it doesn't normally but Crayna isn't the best cook in the world, I guess mum helped her.

I grab a plastic plate and some chips as well as 3 slices of pizza, what? I'm eating for two... Ok technically they say you don't have to eat more but I don't care.....

"You know, just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you need to be a pig?" Crayna asks me, 3 slices of pizza and a handful of chips and I'm a pig?"

"Thanks sis! I'm eating for two," I try to convince even myself that that really is a good reason.

"Milking the pregnancy for all its worth aren't we?" Crayna says back with a smile. 

"Leave your sister alone Cray- Holy heck May! 3 slices in one go?"

I put my head in my hands and laugh, "Ok, fine, you win! I'll put 2 back."

"If you think you can eat it, go for it. You do know you could just have seconds though right?"

"Yeah, yeah.... Ah well, sorry baby" I moan. I put some of the pizza back and turn my head to the side when I see a hand reaching for chips. It's Oliver's, I kind of forgot he was here. He has a smirk on his face and I almost ask why but restrain myself.

"What baby?" Phoebe says in a questionnaire voice. Crap, I guess I'm going to tell her about the baby today.

"Baby is in my tummy," I say, pointing to my stomach.

"Not baby! That’s belly!" she says while poking my tummy.

"There's a baby in there, I promise!"

"How baby get in your tummy? Did you eat the baby?"

"No," I say while laughing, "I didn't eat a baby."

Crayna start to speak, saving me, "Stop asking question girly and eat your pizza."

4 slices of pizza and a overflowing plat of chips later I am well and truly stuffed... Ok, I lied! I really could go for another slice of pizza.... Oliver didn't even have one slice of the pizza, not that I blame him, Crayna made it after all. To be honest, it was actually pretty nice!

Phoebe is pulling me toward some playground equipment and I really want to run away but I decide to humor the little girl. Crayna follows behind laughing at me. This zoo has a mad playground! I don't think I even want to look at the animals!

I turn my head back to look at Crayna, "She has a strong grip for a one year old!"

"Yeah! That's cause she two!" 

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