In A Coma

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It had been days since my girlfriend spoke to me and right now, I was nothing but a bag of nerves. Is she alright? I kept wondering. You see, she went on a week holiday with two of her best friends to some mountain and I really wish I didn't let her go.

I've called her mother, but got nowhere. I've called her sister, but got nowhere. Who do I call? Her friends? They're with her and I don't have their number, nor want it. I pace around the house, nervously awaiting a single call or even text from my sweetheart, but get nothing.

It's not until nearly a week has passed that I get to know anything, and when I'm told what happened, I nearly fell to the floor. "She's in a what?" I question, before holding onto my chest. "She's in a coma.. I'm sorry" her mother replies.

Immediately I rush to grab my keys before jumping into my car and speeding off to the hospital. Once I arrive, I see tubes and wires all over her. My emotions run rank just about and I can barely breathe. A doctor tells me to sit down, but all I can do is stand by my girlfriends bed. 

They didn't know if she'd make out alive, and no one knew how she got into the coma in the first place. There was no cuts, bruises or burns on her. She didn't look physically harmed, nor even deathly sick. Doctors however were running tests on her to determine what happened and now all we had to do was wait.

I hardly slept while I was in the hospital with her, and was suffering from severe exhaustion. Doctors came back with results that her kidneys were failing her, and that she had a 10% survival rate. 

I was told to say my goodbyes to her, but I really didn't want too. I wanted her to pull through and be okay. I was told the cost for a double kidney transplant was expensive, but I was willing to pay whatever amount if it were to save my girlfriends life. 


*4 months later*

"I'm feeling so much better today baby" my girlfriend says, as she's 2 weeks post transplant. Her smile was so big on her face, that I just wanted to snuggle with her for as long as I could. I was more than grateful that my girlfriend was alive, and was going to life a healthy life. She was saved by this transplant, and I'm forever grateful that my girlfriend can get back to a normal life very soon.

Louis Tomlinson ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang