He Cheats On You [PART 1]

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Ok, so before I get backlash for this, here me out.. you see me and Y/N have been arguing a lot lately, mainly... over petty stuff, but recently she's been so triggered all the time and I seriously can't take much longer of it. 

We haven't been as intimate with each other, like we used to be, which makes me really sad, because we not only made love, but we talked about life and so many other things and lately that hasn't happened. 

I know cheating on her isn't a good idea, and I know how bad that makes me look, considering I've been there for her since day one.. so for me to do something like this will definitely hurt her, and I realise that... but I feel like I'm out of options. 

I don't want to end things with her.. because I still love her, and I know if I were to end things with her, that I'll completely lose her forever and I really don't want that. I still care about her, even though me cheating on her doesn't really make it look like I do..

So I met this girl on a night out last week. Her name starts with a L, and I've been sleeping with her almost every night this week. I somewhat regret doing it, but a part of me likes it because I feel like I'm getting satisfaction..


*a few days later*

Ok, so I've came to the conclusion that I'm going to tell my girlfriend about what I have been doing. To be honest, it's been eating at me since I slept with this girl I met at the club. I want to tell her the truth, and get this weight off my shoulders. 

"Sweetheart?" I softly say as I enter our shared bedroom. Just looking at her scrolling through her phone, is still enough to melt my heart. I nervously walk over to her sit on the bed. "Baby what's wrong?" She questions, sitting up and scooting over more so she's right next to me.

She rubs my back, and I can't help but get emotional, because I can already feel what's about to happen. "I.. have something to tell you, and I know you won't like it.." I say, as I briefly look over at her. 

She stares at me for a few seconds before I notice a nervous expression on her face "what do you mean?" She replies, as she waits for me to speak. "I slept with someone I met at the club last week, and I've been sleeping with her nearly every night this week" I shakily reply as I look at her again.

First I see disbelief in her facial expressions "no you didn't Louis, I know you too well... what did you really do?" She questions, as she stands up. "have sex with another girl... I'm not lying to you sweetheart, I chose to be honest with you because of how much you still mean to me" I reply as I stand up as well. 

"If I meant so much to you, then why the fuck would you go behind my back and sleep with some girl at the club?" She angrily replies, as tears fall from her eyes "sweetheart, please don't cry.. I'm sorry" I say as I pull her into my chest.

Naturally I was expecting her to scream at me and not let me touch her, but to my surprise she just fell into my chest. "So is this your way of breaking up with me?" She questions, looking up at me. "No darling, I just hated our constant arguing, and I guess I needed to find an escape because I felt like I couldn't take it anymore" I reply as I kiss her forehead.

"So... you could've spoke to me about it, maybe we could've resolved what was bothering you...why did you feel the need to go behind my back, and sleep with this girl almost every night this week, when you could've easily spoke to me... this relationship was never one sided Louis, it takes two people to make a relationship work sufficiently, and yet you avoid speaking to me?" 

"I'm stupid darling" I reply, "you aren't wrong there.." she says as she pulls away from me. "So how am I going to trust you now? Cause I feel like all trust between us is gone" "Don't say that sweetheart come on... listen, from now on, I won't sleep with any other girl but you, I'll text you constantly when I'm out, I'll even send videos and pictures if it would give you peace of mind"

"Whatever.." She replies, before grabbing her jacket. "Where're you goin?" I question walking closer to her, "Out Louis, I need time to think" she replies, as she grabs her keys. "Will you be back tonight?" I ask. "Why? Are you thinking of inviting that girl over?" 

"No darling, look I'll delete her number right now" I say as I show her that I'm being truthful. "How do I know you won't just put it back in when I'm gone?" "Trust me sweetheart, I wont" I reply, before breathing out. "I did trust you Louis, I trusted you with my everything, and now that trust is gone.. I'm sorry, but I need time to think about what I'm going to do regarding this relationship, so excuse me.." she says before exiting the house.

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