He Feels Left Out

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Everyday this week, you've been busy going off with your best friends, you leave just after 9:30am and don't come home until nearly midnight. You have no energy left to do anything with Louis other than give him a couple of kisses and lay with him until sleep takes over your body.

The first few days you went off with your friends, Louis was perfectly fine with it, he didn't seem bothered with it in the slightest. But it was bothering Louis now. He felt left out and he started to feel like you were trying to distance yourself from him. Louis worries a lot about you leaving him, he's scared that one day you will and he doesn't want you too. He loves you so much and would do anything for you and your happiness.

He texted you nearly an hour ago saying "hi love... sorry to bother you.. when are you coming home?" you never once replied. Which wasn't like you, you'd always reply to Louis's text messages. He worried for a second thinking maybe something happened to you. He paced around the room for a minute before calling you, your phone rang and then went to the message bank. He didn't bother leaving a message and just tried to go about his day. 


I'm walking around the streets with my best friends, it's so good to have really caring friends in my life, I'm very grateful for them. We get some on-the-go snacks to eat so we don't starve to death. I had my phone on vibrate so it didn't disrupt the day, I felt it buzz in my jeans so I pull it out, I notice my battery is on 5% when I read Louis's text message. I smile to myself, but don't reply as we were about to enter a low signal area. We're only in that area for maybe five minutes before I feel my phone buzz again, I tried to ignore it, I didn't at all think it was Louis calling me. Minutes after my phone buzzed, I pull it out again and see I got a missed call from Louis. I was about to call him back when my phone died. "shit.." I mutter to myself, causing two of my friends to turn around "you okay?" one of them asks "oh yeah, my phone died... do any of you have a spare charger?" All my friends nod their heads no. I frustratedly breathe out before putting my phone back in my pocket and continuing on with my day. I had this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach nearly all afternoon about Louis, I felt like something was wrong and like I had to go back home.. but I didn't want to upset my friends by leaving so I tried my hardest to ignore that feeling. By nightfall, all I want to do is go home, the feeling I was getting earlier on in the afternoon was 10x more noticeable in me. I seemed really frustrated and disinterested in nearly everything my friends did. They dropped me back around 11:30pm and I walked up to the door.


"Louis?" you call out, but no one replies. You walk down the hallway and see the dim bedside table light on, which indicated that Louis was in the bedroom. You walk towards the bedroom and push open the door. Louis looked to be asleep, so you tried to be quiet when you walked in. You take your shoes off and put your bag on the floor. You throw your jacket across the room, which startles Louis and causes him to roll over to face you. He looked a mix between really upset and angry. "Hi Lou, you okay?" you softly question as you walk over to the bed and climb in. Louis doesn't answer you at first. You move down and look at him "babe what happened?" you question as you trace his arm. "Do you still love me?" Louis softly questioned. "are you seriously asking me that?" You reply "yeah...I am.." Louis says as he hops out of bed and goes and stands on the bedroom balcony. You climb out of bed and walk out to see him look out at the city "why are you asking that though? you know I still love you, I'll always love you" you say walking over to him. You go to rub his back, but he turns around to face you "why do you keep doing things without me? it's not like you to constantly want to be away from me? I understand that you want to spend some time with your friends.. and you deserve too.. but everyday this week you've been doing something and I just...." Louis trails off "just what?" You question walking closer to him, Louis looks at you for a second before speaking "I just feel left out... I miss you darling, I'm scared that this could be a sign of you leaving..." you look at him and wrap your arms around his neck, Louis wraps his arms around your waist "I didn't mean to make you feel left out.. I'm sorry... and I'm not leaving you, you know that I love you with my entire heart, you're my everything..." you say as you kiss his lips. Louis lingers on for a couple moments before breaking the kiss "I love you too sweetheart" Louis replies. "Come on baby, let's go back inside and cuddle in bed" you say as you kiss his lips again. Louis softly smiles and goes back into the bedroom with you and cuddles under the blankets. "Lou?" you softly say as you look up at him, "yeah love?" "tomorrow will be all about us, we'll do so many things together and have so much fun" you say as you kiss his lips, Louis smiles into the kiss and traces your cheek with his finger. "sounds amazing darling, I love you so much, you have no idea" Louis softly replies as he kisses your forehead. "I love you too" you say as you nuzzle yourself further into him. 

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