He Saves You [PART 1]

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The time was close to 8:30pm, and you still hadn't come home. Louis was starting to get really worried since you hadn't answered your phone since 8pm. "Where is she?" Louis frustratedly questions to your friends mother. — both you and Louis were staying with your friend for a few weeks.

"I'm not sure, have you tried calling her?" She questions, as she flicks through a page in her book. "I've been calling her since 8pm, she hasn't answered" Louis replies, sounding a mix between worried and frustrated. "Maybe she's just night-shopping with Lydia" — your friends name.

"HOW CAN YOU SOUND SO UNEMOTIONAL ABOUT THIS?" Louis shouts, causing Lydia's mother to jump. "Something could've happened" Louis adds as he starts pacing throughout the house. "Louis... listen, she's fine okay"  Lydia's mother says as she stands up. "How the hell do you know?" Louis replies as he walks over to her. 

"Because she is, alright.. I don't want you to worry anymore" Lydia's mother says, as she walks past Louis and into the bathroom. Louis breathes out, and calls your number again — "the person you're trying to reach is currently in out of service range, please check the number and try again" the automated voice says. 

"Shit..." Louis says to himself as walks to the bathroom. "I called her again, and she's currently in "out of service range"... what's that even supposed to mean?" Louis questions, trying to soften his own voice. Lydia's mother looks at him, before speaking. 

"Well, it means she's in an area where there's no signal.. so that could mean she's either out in the countryside... like right out countryside, meaning no shops or city nearby for miles, or she's in the shopping centres undercover car-park" "Well let's go then... we need to look for her" Louis replies, before walking back out into the living room. 

Lydia's mother walks out of the bathroom not long after, and grabs her purse and keys. "Come on then.." she says, sounding annoyed. — she was annoyed at Louis because she thought you were fine, and genuinely thought Louis was just being overly paranoid.

Both her and Louis walk out to her car, and hop in. Once she starts the ignition, she drives out of the drive-way, and exits the street. Louis keeps checking his phone, and sending you text messages. "I seriously hope she's alright, she knows how much I worry about her..." Louis softly says as he looks out the window. 

"I'm sure she will be Louis, why don't you call her again" Lydia's mother replies. Louis breathes out and dials your number again. "No, she's still in an out of signal area..." Louis replies as he begins to bite his nails. "Well, we'll be at the shopping centre soon, have a good look when we get into the undercover car-park" "don't worry love, I will" Louis replies as he heavily sighs.

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