Sleepless Nights

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Sleepless nights are fairly common in your house, considering you suffer from insomnia. You are often sleep deprived due to the fact that you don't fall asleep until 4-5am most mornings. You only get around 5 hours of sleep a night, and to be honest, it's not enough. 

It was around 6:05am, and you reached breaking point. You were not only overly tired, but you also felt unwell, since you were getting over the flu. You sat up in bed and started crying — you were silent because Louis was asleep next to you and you didn't want to disturb him. 

Louis wakes up after hearing a few audible sobs escape your lips. He heavily breathes out and opens his eyes. He looks over at you, and sits up himself. "Sweetheart, you alright?" Louis softly questions as he places his hand on your back. He softly rubs your back up and down before pulling you into his chest. "Did something happen?" Louis questions as he lies back down with you. "I can't sleep and it's really getting to me.." you reply as you snuggle further into his chest. 

Louis gently rubs your back before kissing your head "I'm sorry sweetheart, do you want to have a warm shower? maybe that'll help you get some sleep" "will you shower with me?" You softly question as you sniffle. "Of course I will darling, come on" Louis replies as he wipes your tears. 

You both climb out of bed and go into the shower. After undressing, you hop under the water. At first it's cold, but after a bit, it gets to a comfortable warm. Louis doesn't once let go of you when you're under the water. "Don't cry sweetheart.." Louis says as he presses a loving kiss to your head. "I'm tired of not getting enough sleep" you shakily reply. "I know darling, I wish I could fix this" Louis says as he turns off the water. 

After getting dry and dressed, you both exit the bathroom and go back into your shared bedroom. You climb back into bed and snuggle back into Louis's chest. Louis plays with your hair for a bit, until he notices that you're drifting off to sleep. Once you're finally asleep, Louis goes back to sleep. 

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