Odd Food Cravings

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I was around 14 weeks pregnant, when I started to get these really random and odd food cravings. I woke up around 10am, with this intense craving for pickles & sugar on toast. 

Yeah I know... disgusting right? Well, to me it tasted freaking amazing. As I finished buttering my toast, Louis walks out and wraps his arms around me from behind. "Whatcha doin' sweetheart?" He sweetly questioned, as he left a trail of kisses up my neck. 

"Just having some toast, with pickles and sugar on it" I reply with a short laugh, before looking at him. Louis gave me a weird look at first, before realising it was a pregnancy craving. "Pickles and sugar? That doesn't sound very appetising" Louis says as he opens the fridge to get some milk out for his usual morning tea.

"I know it doesn't babe, but I'm seriously craving it" I say, with a chuckle. "I thought you'd crave something that would go together" Louis replies with a smirk before placing a tea bag in his mug. "Well... not today" say as I start cutting a pickle into slices. 

Louis breathes out and leans in to kiss my cheek "do whatever makes you feel comfortable sweetheart" Louis says as he grabs the sugar jar for me "thank you" I softly reply before sprinkling it on the pickles. 

Louis and I go back into our shared bedroom, and I turn the tv on, as I climb into bed. I eat my gross sounding breakfast within 3 minutes, before finishing. 

Louis looks at me surprised, "taste good darling?" "It sure did, I'm now kinda craving a chocolate milkshake" I reply as I look over at him. "Why don't I make it for you?" Louis suggests before climbing out of bed. "Sounds good" I reply before handing him my plate. 

Louis goes into the kitchen to make me a milkshake. Afterwards, he comes back into our shared bedroom and hands it to me, "there you go sweetheart" Louis says, before climbing back into bed with me. 

"Thank you baby" I reply before taking a few sips. "You make the best milkshakes babe, this is seriously delicious" I say, which makes Louis smiles. "Aw well, thank you darling.. enjoy it" Louis replies before turning his attention to the tv.

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