He Thinks You Left

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It was a stormy night when both you and Louis went to bed. You always loved falling asleep to thunderstorms as it really relaxed you. You snuggle into Louis's loving arms and nuzzle your face into his neck. Louis slowly rubbed your back up and down and traced his fingers through your hair a couple of times before kissing your forehead "love you sweetheart" Louis whispers, you look up at him "love you too" you reply before kissing his lips. You snuggle back into him and fall asleep within a few minutes.

A few hours pass and you wake up, you untangle yourself from Louis's grip and make your way into the bathroom. You spend a little while in there before exiting and then going into the kitchen. Louis wakes up shortly after and gets startled that you weren't in bed next to him. He waits for a minute but then hops out of bed. He worriedly rushes out of the bedroom "Y/N?" Louis sleepily questions as he looks in your shared bathroom. Since you weren't in there, Louis pretty much runs down the hallway until he sees your figure in the kitchen.

"sweetheart, you scared me, you alright?" Louis says as he cuddles you from behind "yeah baby, I was just getting something to eat, I felt hungry" you reply as you turn around to face him. "Lou, you look like you've seen a ghost, what's wrong?" You say as you brush some of his hair out of his face "I thought you were gone darling, don't do that to me.. I hate waking up and finding you not in bed next to me.. it really worries me" Louis says as he pulls you into his chest.

"Aww baby it's okay, I'm sorry.." you reply as you kiss his lips. Louis rubs your back softly and kisses your forehead after a bit "lets go back to bed" you softly say as you walk with Louis back to the bedroom. Once you were both back under the covers and back in Louis's arms, Louis started tracing your back "feeling better now Lou?" you question looking up at him. Louis heavily sighs "yeah sweetheart"

"I didn't mean to worry you baby" you say as you kiss his lips. "it's alright darling, i just love you so much and the thought of losing you breaks my heart" Louis says as he begins to get tears in his eyes. "aw baby don't cry" you reply as you cuddle further into him "I can't lose you darling, you mean too much to me" Louis shakily says as you look back up at him "you won't lose me sweetie, you're seriously the greatest boyfriend in the world" you reply as you wipe his tears. "you're the greatest too darling" Louis says as he kisses your lips passionately.

You smile in return and snuggle back into him "I'm going back to sleep now baby, I love you" you say as you kiss his jaw and neck. He tightens his grip on you "love you too sweetheart" Louis replies before tracing up and down your spine and all over your back.

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