He Saves You [PART 2]

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Once we arrive at the shopping centre, I jump out of the car. My nerves were all over the place and I just wanted to find the love of my life. My mind kept thinking of the worst case scenario and I really didn't want that to become a reality. I wanted to make sure she was safe and un-harmed. 

I run throughout the undercover car-park, calling her name. I don't know what I was really expecting, but I had hope she was here. After calling her name numerous times, and have her not reply, I end up walking back to the car and breaking down. 

I get mildly comforted by her friends mother, but it's not enough to fully calm me down. As we drive off, her phone rings. She pulls over to the side of the road to see it's her daughter, Lydia calling. "Hi, we were just looking for you both... where are you?" She questions over the phone.

I stare at her intently, hoping she has an answer to where my gorgeous girlfriend is. "YOU'RE WHERE?" She shouts "oh my gosh, hang on... tell me the address" she adds as he hurriedly grabs a notebook and pen from her purse. "What? You don't know the number of the house?" She questions, "you're not in a house? So where are you?" She adds. 

"A basement? Are you serious?" She questions, as she looks over at me with scared eyes. "Is there a window nearby? Can you see out of it?" She adds, as she puts her phone on speaker so I can hear as well. "Uh... not really.. I'm really scared.." Lydia cries. 

"Is my girlfriend with you at all?" I ask, nervously. "Louis? Is that you?" "Yeah it is, is she there with you?" "N-no.... they took her somewhere else.. the last I saw of her, she was unconscious" Lydia shakily replies. "Who's they?" Her mother questions, as she writes information down in her notebook.

"Uh... a man and a women.." Lydia fearfully replies. "By the looks of them love, do you know how old they were?" I questioned. "Not too old, maybe in their late 30s..." she replies. Seconds later, her mother and I hear a creaky door open, and footsteps, "stay away from me.."

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