He's Anxious

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Today, Louis had a doctors appointment and was terrified. He hated seeing the doctor, but you reassured him that you wouldn't leave his side. It was 8am when Louis's alarm on his phone went off. You were already awake so you reached over Louis's sleeping figure and switched it off. 

"Baby, wake up" you softly say as you ruffle his hair a bit. Louis stretches his legs a bit before opening his eyes. "yeah darling?" Louis questions as he looks up at you "You have a doctors appointment in an hour" you reply as you kiss his head. Louis heavily sighs before pulling you into his chest. His heart-rate was picking up and you could hear it "Lou, it's okay, I'll be with you the entire time.." you say to comfort him. Louis looks at you with worried eyes before getting a bit emotional "aw baby, don't cry... it'll be okay" you say as you rub his arm and wipe away his tears. 

"I'm just scared darling.. whenever I have to see the doctor I feel like my heart is about to jump out of my chest" Louis says as he tightens his grip on you. "I know baby, I know..." you say as you gently kiss his lips. "You'll be okay though, trust me.." you say after kissing him.

Half an hour later, you both climb out of bed. Louis gets his socks and shoes on and puts on a jacket. You decide to wear a dress with flats before putting on some fragrance. "Okay baby, you or me driving?" You question as you walk over to him "you better darling... I'm too nervy" Louis shakily replies. You nod your head and grab your keys. "Everything will be okay" you say to reassure him before you lead him out of the house. 

Once at the doctors office, you both sit in the waiting room. It's not too busy in there like it usually is, so that's a good thing. You look over at Louis who is nervously jigging his leg up and down "hey.. it's okay" you say as you place your hand on his forearm and lightly rub it. Louis breathes out and looks at you, but doesn't say anything. "Do you want me to go in with you?" You softly question. "Yeah darling, there's no way I'm going in there by myself" Louis worriedly replies before running his fingers through his hair. You nod your head and wait for the doctor to come out. "Mr Tomlinson?" Dr Franké calls.

You both stand up and walk into his office. After half an hour, you both exit and pay at the front desk. The initial cost was around $490, but got lowered to $380. You both leave then, and go back to your car. Once inside, Louis breathes out. "See baby, I told you everything would be okay" you say as you lightly squeeze his hand. Louis nods his head and partially smiles. 

After a moment of silence on his part, he speaks. "Thank you for being here darling, it really helped..." "no problem honey, I'll always be here for you" you reply as you continue driving. After you both return home, you both go into your shared bedroom and cuddle for the next few hours.

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