You Surprise Him

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It was around 11:30pm when Louis got back into his hotel room. The other boys were hitting the clubs for a bit before talking in a shared hotel room, they invited Louis to join them but he refused. He didn't want to do any of that, all he wanted to do was be "alone." But he didn't really want to be alone, he wanted to be with you. Louis was really missing you and the effects of it were showing more and more. Louis goes and lies on the bed and breathes out. He checks his social media and goes to your page almost instantly. He stares at your recent pictures like they were going to disappear any second. 

Tears were brought to his eyes the more he looked at your page. After nearly five minutes he turns his phone off and lets a few sobs escape his lips. He wipes his eyes after a minute or so and turns the tv on to distract himself. But nothing seemed to distract him, all he could think about was you. After a little bit Louis goes back on his phone to text you a goodnight message "goodnight darling, love you... miss you loads" he sends. Tears continue to stream down his face. You reply nearly half an hour later with "love and miss you too" Louis reads the message you sent and half smiles to himself. Not even half an hour later Louis hears a knock at the door. 

Louis slowly hops up off the bed and opens the door without thinking. I mean, it could've been anyone. A fan who somehow found his hotel room, one of the boys, the manager of the hotel etc. Usually when someone knocked at his door he'd always check the peep hole, but this time he didn't. "hi Louis" you happily say, "Y/N... oh my god" Louis replies as he pulled you into his chest and led you back into his hotel room and locked the door behind you. He clung onto you for dear life, his grip was tight but it felt so loving and you never wanted to let go of him. "I missed you" you mumble. As you pull away, Louis was crying, "I missed you too darling, I'm so happy you're here" Louis shakily says through tears. "I'm happy I'm here too" you reply as you cuddle into his chest again.

Louis rubs your back up and down and kisses your head before sniffling. You look up at him and wipe his tears "you're so adorable babe, I love you to absolute pieces" you say as you kiss his lips. Louis breathes out and runs his hand over your hair "I love you too darling" Louis shakily replies before you lead him over to the bed. He wipes his eyes again before climbing into bed with you and pulling you into his chest. Louis kisses your head a couple of times before you look up at him. Louis looks at you lovingly before pressing his lips to yours again "you're amazing" you softly say as you trace his jaw and down his neck. "not as amazing as you sweetheart.. I love you so much" Louis softly says as he kisses your forehead. "love you too.." you reply as you snuggle into him more. Louis tightens his grip on you and breathes out a content sigh. 

You listen to his heartbeat for a minute, it was a steady beat, a beat which relaxed you. You smile to yourself before stretching your legs a bit and kissing his jaw. Louis rubbed your back lightly before kissing your head again "you alright?" Louis sweetly whispered. "mhmm" you mumble as you trace pictures on his arm. "you sleepy yet?" you softly question after a couple of minutes "a little.. you can go to sleep if you want, it's okay" Louis replies as he rubs your arm up and down and presses another kiss to your head. You nod your head and close your eyes. "goodnight Lou.." "goodnight sweetheart" Louis replies as he pulls the blanket up more. 

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