An update

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Hello lovelies!

Idk how many of you are still here, but to those who are- I'm sorry. I realized that it's been a year since I last wrote anything for this book and I feel like I owe an explanation. 

I'm old. I casually lost interest in the fandom and I have more responsibilities. I started this book when I was like 15 years old and now I'm a senior with a job and existential dread- I changed. My life is completely different from the one I lived when I could stay up watching anime and writing fanfiction. I'd like to think I've grown up a bit? But I'm currently at a stage in my life where everything is chaotic and I'm trying to figure out the direction in which my life is headed. So, I guess this means I'm on a permanent hiatus?? Thanks for all the support and if anyone of you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here to listen and give advice!

Lots of love,

P. S. Dont forget to drink water and get some sleep!

Yuri on Ice (Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now