JJ Leroy {O Canada}

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"Babe, do you know where the flags are?" came the familiar voice of your fiance, followed by shuffling as he rustled through several boxes in an attempt to find his Canadian flags.

"Yeah, I put them on the table," you shouted back. You continued to decorate the house, completely absorbed in your work. The two of you were decorating for Canada's 150, it was a huge celebration and the two of you were going to Parliament Hill to see the fireworks later on.

You had wanted to decorate the house ages ago but unfortunately, both of you procrastinated and ended up forgetting about the decorations completely. So, the two of you ended up having to get up at the crack of dawn to decorate.

Once you finished decorating the exterior of the house, you walked into the entry hall and looked up at the clock, you realised JJ had been gone for a suspiciously long time. You sighed and went to check on him. Knowing JJ, he probably found some old keepsake and got distracted. You smiled at the memory of JJ sitting in the messy basement after completely abandoning his cleaning efforts to flip through his childhood scrapbook.

As you approached the room JJ was in, you heard music. The song you immediately recognised as O Canada. "JJ? Are you okay?" you peered around the corner, seeing the room he was supposed to be decorating was completely empty. Where was he?

"JJ?" you walked slowly towards the music. As the music got louder you heard footsteps and... singing? Peering into the room, you saw JJ dancing around and singing the Canadian national anthem at the top of his lungs. You would have found this absolutely adorable if not for the fact that he was supposed to be helping you decorate.

"JJ!" you scolded. Your hands firm against your face as you tried to look angry, but that proved to be quite difficult as JJ continued to sing and took your hands off your hips and pulled them up around his neck. He then placed his hands on your waist and began twirling you around the room, he managed to do all this while continuing to sing.

"Car ton bras sait porter l'épée, Il sait porter la croix!" he sang happily. You rolled your eyes at your favourite Quebecois. Of course, JJ was from the French part of Canada, he had grown up speaking French. You, on the other hand, preferred English. You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes when JJ gave you a cheeky grin. You realised there was no way to stop him, so might as well join him.

"The True North strong and free," you sang as JJ continued to sing in French. His cheeky smile softened as he held you closer, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on top of your head.

"Ton histoire est une épopée. Des plus brillants exploits," sang JJ softly before kissing your forehead.

"God keep our land, glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee," you grinned as you stood on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

"Protégera nos foyers et nos droits," finished JJ. He smiled at you and leant down to place his lips on yours. The two of you stood in each others embrace swaying to the last few notes of the song.

"The fireworks will be starting soon," he whispered after holding you a little longer. With reluctance, you pulled away and nodded. JJ grabbed your hand and lead you towards the car.

"Oh wait," said JJ, "I forgot the flags, be right back," He quickly ran back towards the house. You let out an exasperated sigh when you saw the man sprinting back to the car while clutching two Canadian flags.

"Glad to see I'm marrying a man with an attention span shorter than a goldfish's," you smirked as he re-entered the car. "What can I say, I had to sing the traditional ballads of my people," he retorted.

"I'm pretty sure the French version came out more than half a century after the English version," you said sassily, "so, if you were going to sing a traditional ballad of your people, the English version would've been sufficient."

"INCORRECT," he cheered as he poked your  nose in retaliation. He chuckled before continuing sofly, "the French version is also much more romantic."

You rolled your eyes as he leant towards you to say, "I'm quite sure you'd agree, ma chérie."

You groaned and pushed his face away, "Stop being so cheesy."

He grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on your knuckle and whispered, "Si le verbe aimer n'existait pas, je l'aurais inventé en te voyant."

You groaned louder but made no other attempts to stop him.

"Je rêve de tremper ma baguette dans ta soupe," he said as he kissed your neck. You blushed so hard your skin almost match the Canadian flag. Even though English was your primary language, you could understand French because, in Canada, a student had to study French starting from 4th grade.

"VA TE FAIRE FOUTRE!" you screamed in disgust, "Ewwww, why are you like this?"

"Because," said JJ with a wink, "IT'S JJ STYLE!"

You buried your face in your hands and let out a muffled scream as JJ laughed. No matter how cringy your fiance was, you wouldn't have wanted to spend Canada 150 with anyone else.


Car ton bras sait porter l'épée, Il sait porter la croix

Your arm knows how to carry a sword, it can carry the cross

Ton histoire est une épopée. Des plus brillants exploits

Your story is epic. More brilliant achievements

Protégera nos foyers et nos droits

Protect our homes and our rights

Ma chérie

My darling

Si le verbe aimer n'existait pas, je l'aurais inventé en te voyant

If the verb to love didn't exist, I would have invented it when I saw you

Je rêve de tremper ma baguette dans ta soupe

I dream of putting my baguette in your soup ;)


Go f*ck yourself

Published- 7/1/17 (CANADA 150!!)

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