Yuri Plisetsky {shy}

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You wanted to talk to Yuri. You wanted to approach him, but your usual shyness prevented that from happening. You were an amazing figure skater and you excelled in school but you were an extremely shy person.

But you never got a chance to talk or approach him alone. Usually you have practice with him but even if Viktor or anyone else tried to urge you to approach him, your shyness prevented you from doing so. You mentally cursed your shyness, as you were always afraid to face Yuri alone.

Thanks to your shyness and stupidity, Yuri thought that you are ignoring him, according to Viktor.

"Why would you ignore Yurio?" Viktor asked, "I don't recall him doing anything to you, so why giving him the cold shoulder?"

You wanted to just curl up in a ball and disappear.

"I'm not ignoring him," you replied, hugging your knees to your chest "I'm just too scared to approach him, that's all."

Viktor laughed at you and placed his hands on your head, "(y/n) you and Yuri would have cute children! You better name the first born after me!"

"Be quiet," you muttered as you brushed away his hands.

Viktor frowned. "Come on, (y/n)," he wrapped his arm around your neck. "I'm sure Yuri doesn't care if your shy. He probably thinks your adorable!"

You shook your head. "Viktor, you know I can't," you muttered.

"If you don't tell him than I will," Viktor said seriously. You immediately froze. If Viktor told Yuri for you he would definitely do something embarrassing.

"Please don't!" you panicked. "I can do it myself!!"

Viktor clapped and jumped in the air in excitement. But he stopped when you shot him a glare, if looks could kill, Viktor would be long gone. Even though you were shy, you managed to have RBF. It was the worst combination possible. You looked like you were angry and bitchy but in reality you wanted to socialize but you didn't know how to initiate conversations with people.


You fidgeted as you waited outside of the boys change room after practice. Standing there alone as people walked past made you feel so insecure. You pulled out your phone and pretended to text someone so you looked less lonely. Viktor, if this doesn't go well, I will kill you slowly and painfully.

"(y/n)?" a deep, monotone voice came from in front of you. You gulped and looked up; you were about to face the Russian Punk.

 You gulped and looked up; you were about to face the Russian Punk

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You took a deep breath. You instincts screamed, 'don't do it! Don't do it! Or you'll regret it for the rest of your entire life!' But you ignored it and spoke anyway.

"Y-Yuri, I wanted to speak with y-you," you answered.

Yuri's eyes widened in shock. You rarely say anything.

You felt like your stomach had sunk. You were going to do it. No turning back. You were alone with Yuri. It felt so surreal, like it happened so fast. Your mind went blank and you didn't know what to say. Now you had to desperately get out before you embarrass yourself. You mentally cursed yourself for not trusting your instincts.

Yuri scowled at you rudely. "Tch," you heard him spit out. "If you have something to say then say it, moron. If you want to go back to ignoring me then I'm leaving."

Outside, you were trembling and silent, but inside, you were screaming.

"U-Um, I think we may have a misunderstanding, and I just-"

"Oh, trying to lighten the mood, (y/n)?" Yuri spat. Yuri wasn't used to being ignored. Especially by the person he was trying hardest to impress.

"N-No. I'm sorry, I'm a bit shy and I wasn't sure how to approach you," you tried to explain, "I-I'm not ignoring you, I-I actually really like you."

You did it. You managed to confess to Yuri.

 You managed to confess to Yuri

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Yuri's looked so shocked. After a couple of seconds he smirked.

"Tch, moron" he finally said, "I guess I took it the wrong way. I know that you are in love me, you just couldn't admit it."

You felt like you swallowed your own heart, and your face flushed bright red. Oh my god, oh my god. How did he know that I liked him?! This just couldn't get embarrassing, could it?

But Yuri interrupted your pity party. "I like you too, (y/n)," he said. You nodded, the words not quite yet processed. I think I'm going to faint.

Then you realized, "R-Really?"

"Duh," he said as he placed his hands on your cheek.

You looked like a red balloon about to explode.

"If you thought I was ignoring you, how did you know I liked you?" you wondered out loud.

Yuri crossed his arms, "A certain grey haired idiot told me."

You felt like you got smacked by a bowling ball. Viktor told him?! Viktor, I will cut of your d*** with a rusty pair of scissors...

Yuri then grabbed you hand and intertwined your fingers and began to walk you home.


The last thing you needed to do was to chase down Viktor and strangle him.

****Bonus Ending****

"(y/n)!" You heard Viktor from across the rink, he was standing by the rink watching your practice

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"(y/n)!" You heard Viktor from across the rink, he was standing by the rink watching your practice. You stopped in your tracks and turned to glare at Viktor.


"Yuri told me that you told him I liked him," your tone of voice was half angry and suspicious. Suddenly, Viktor grinned and turned around. "Well you're together now."

"You promised you wouldn't-" you started but you were interrupted by Viktor running out of the arena screaming, "GOTTA BLAST!"

"Hey!! Come back here!!" You yelled at the man, and you started to chase him in your skates, desperate to strangle him.

Published- 20/10/16
next up-
Viktor Nikiforov

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