Yuri Plisetsky {Cosplay}

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Currently, you were at Yuuri's family's hot spring. After having a refreshing bath, you sat on a floor mat with your elbows on the table and your laptop mere inches from your face. Your eyes were glued to the screen. How could you look away? This was the final episode of Attack in Titan! The episode was absolutely heart wrenching. After waiting for 3 years the animators just had to end the season with a cliffhanger.

As you cried over the fate of your beloved anime characters, you were rudely interrupted by your dear friend, Yuri.

"I can't see why you're so obsessed with them," he scoffed as he peered over your shoulder, "they're literally just a bunch of lines."

You feigned hurt, "How dare you insult my children!"

Yuri simply rolled his eyes and made a "tch" sound before sitting on the other side of the table. Wait. Tch... Why did that sound so familiar? And then you realised. Your favourite angsty figure skater resembled a certain petit clean freak. You smiled and tried to conceal your giggles. Unfortunately the more you tried to hide your laughter the harder it got. Why is everything funnier when you're not supposed to laugh?

Yuri glared at you from across the table, his green eyes were narrowed and his mouth was in a deep scowl. "What are you laughing at, you brat?"
Oh my goodness. Tears were welling up in your eyes now. Yuri just groaned and have your leg a light kick, "Tell me!"

At this point, you made no effort to conceal your laughter. Yuri was screaming at you and you continued to laugh out loud. It was no wonder Yuuri and Viktor walked in to see what all the noise was about.

"Is my OTP finally getting together?" grinned Viktor as he sat next to you. This earned him a nudge in the ribs from Yuuri and harsh whispers along the lines of "they're too young" and "don't go corrupting the poor child."

You smiled warmly at Viktor and Yuuri while Yurio glared. To Viktor and Yuuri, you were an absolute angel and being the dad figures they were, they made every effort to protect their innocent child. Yuuri did an excellent job of being a dad, he made food for you on a daily basis, protected you from f*ck boys, and a spoiled you to death. Viktor on the other hand would defend you from every boy who made eye contact with you, claiming they were vicious monsters who would steal you away from him, that is, every boy except Yurio. Viktor made countless "discreet" efforts to get you and Yuri together, each attempt as unsuccessful as the last.

"So what's so funny?" asked Viktor as he handed you a pork cutlet bowl. You grinned mischievously and whispered your recent realisation to Viktor. He smirked and whispered in your ear, "They're both barely 160cm."

"What are you two whispering about?" demanded Yurio. Yuuri gave an exasperated sigh and smiled in amusement. Viktor gave Yurio a sky grin and continued to whisper in your ear.

"Yurio likes to-," he whispered, causing Yurio to tense in frustration. "He has a fetish for-"

"BAKA!" screeched Yuri as he chucked a pair of chopsticks at Viktor. You and Yuuri laughed as the two Russians continued to bicker back and forth.

"So (y/n), do you have any fetishes?" teased Yuuri as he finished his meal. Warmth rushed to your cheeks and you opened your mouth to protest but no words came out.

"(y/n) has a fetish for short angsty boys!" said Viktor with a dramatic wink. You wanted to die on the spot. The short angsty boy who you had a crush on was giving you a look that screamed what on earth is this lunatic talking about.

"I would have thought (y/n) had a fetish for fictional boys," smiled Yuuri. At this point, you wanted to die more than you've ever wanted to die before. You opened your mouth, only to shut it again, as you were too embarrassed to form any intelligible words. You swore you saw your "dads" high-fiving under the table.

"I-I DON'T HAVE ANY FETISHES!" you finally managed to blurt out in protest. Yurio still stared at you in shock, his mouth agape and his eyes wide. Viktor just continued laughing at your reaction while Yuuri made a convincing effort to hide his smile.


After an incredibly awkward dinner, Yurio lay on his futon scrolling mindlessly through his phone. His mind was wandering about all sorts of things, but the most prominent topic was you. He thought about what Viktor had said at dinner. Did you like short angsty boys? Did you like him?

Probably not, thought Yuri. Viktor was probably just talking about that anime character you showed him. What was his name again? Reveille? Something French sounding. If he were more like this character, would you like him more? Most likely, thought Yuri.


Upon arriving at the breakfast table, you stood rooted to the ground, your eyes wide and mouth open in shock.

Someone was wearing 3DMG and pour themselves a glass of water. Your inner fangirl was screaming in delight. When the person turned you noticed that they were wearing a cravat. Your heart fluttered and you let out a small squeal. "Tch, what are you staring at brat?" said the person irritably. This was far too early in the morning for you to handle so many fangasms. You felt your palms get sweaty and your vision blurred. Suddenly, you felt yourself falling, you heard a panicked voice scream, "oH SHIT!" before everything went black.

When you awoke you were greeted by the concerned faces of Yuuri and Viktor.

"(y/n)!" exclaimed Yuuri in relief. "Are you okay? What happened?" He helped you sit up and handed you a glass of water. You checked your surroundings and noticed Yurio scowling at his phone in the corner and Viktor was clutching onto Yuuri with tears brimming in his eyes. All you could think of was, who did that amazing Levi cosplay?

"I'm fine," you muttered. In your head, all you could think was, I am not fine. I need to find that Levi cosplayer. Yuri was blushing furiously as he began to approach you.

"I'm sorry," muttered Yurio, barely audible. This took you, Yuuri, and Viktor by surprise. What on Earth was he apologising for? Yuri, in general, wasn't one to apologise. As you and Viktor gaped at him, awestruck, Yuuri placed a hand on Yurio's forehead and one on his own and said, "Are you sick? It doesn't feel like you have a fever..."

Before Yurio could respond, Viktor leapt to his feet and grabbed him by the shoulders, "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO YURI PLISETSKY!?"

"BAKA!" screamed Yurio as he pushed Vikor and Yuuri away from him.

"Ah, there he is," said Viktor with an exaggerated sigh of relief as he leaned into Yuuri. Yurio glared while Yuuri smiled.

"GET OUT YOUR PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION ARE MAKING ME SICK!" growled Yurio. "Ohoho! I think you just want some time alone with our little damsel in distress!" teased Viktor as he took hold of Yuuri's hand and skipped out of the room.

"I'm not a damsel in distress," you called after them, only to get no response. You sighed, "It's hard to believe that they're the adults here. They act like toddlers." Yuri nodded. He wrapped his pinky against yours in a subtle attempt to hold your hand. You smiled encouragingly at him and allowed for him to interlace his fingers with yours.

"I'm sorry," he said gruffly. You gave him a look of confusion and he continued, "for scaring you. I thought you would like me more if I dressed up as that anime character-"

"THAT WAS YOU?!" You were trying to hold back your laughter, tears were welling up in your eyes and a wide grin spread across your cheeks. Yuri's face flushed visibly. You took your hand out of his so you could wrap your arms around him.

"I love Levi," you whispered to him as he returned your embrace, "but he could never compare to you, you're real." (A/N I WISH)

"Tch, I knew that," he grumbled. You smiled as you felt him press a kiss to your forehead.

"But," you pulled away and grinned, "I love it when you cosplay."

You never saw and likely never will see Yuri stutter and fail to form proper words as much as when he tried to make a clever retort to your comment.

~Extended Ending~

You grinning evilly as you snapped photos of Yuri in his Levi cosplay. Yuri, completely unaware of your photo-taking proceeded to take selfies. Finally, you decided to scare him. You took a deep breath and sprinted towards him screaming, "SIE SIND DAS ESSEN UND WIR SIND DIE JAEGER!!!"

Who would've thought that the self-proclaimed Ice Tiger of Russia has such a girlish scream?

Published- 30/6/17

Next up- Jean-Jacques Leroy (CANADA DAY SPECIAL!!)

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