Yuri, Otabek, Viktor, Yuuri, Cinna, etc {thank you}

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You could hear voices coming from the brightly lit room down the hall. Squinting your eyes because of the brightness, you walked towards the room to investigate the noise. The moment the light hit your face you heard a gentle gasp followed by rapid footsteps.

“CINNA NO!” you heard a male voice call out. The voice had a bit of a Japanese accent and was laced with exasperation.

“CINNA YES!” was the last thing you heard before you were tackled to the ground by someone. A girl hugging you. The girl who you had come to realize was ‘Cinna,’ soon released you and grinned. She was very average looking with brown eyes, brown hair that fell to her mid back, and skin so pale it looked as though she hadn’t stepped outside once in the past year. Her hair was tangled, and unlike everyone else in the room, she was dressed like a slob. While everyone else in the room were handsome, and based on their physique, athletic men who were dressed in formal attire, this girl was wearing a large hoodie and a pair of jeans that was covered in paint stains.

“Sorry about that,” said Cinna, her smile unfaltering, “I was just really excited to meet you.” Cinna stood up and reached out a pale hand to help you up. Once Cinna had pulled you to your feet, you realized she was tall, at least for a girl, she was the same height as the man who was holding hands with a blond boy (that was a head shorter than you and the dark haired man) who had stomped towards the two of you. Once the shock of being hugged by a complete stranger wore off, you realized the boy, who had a harsh Russian accent, was yelling at Cinna.

“You could’ve killed them!” he seethed as he stood next to you. Cinna laughed quietly and shook her head, “They’re fine, Yurio. Don’t so overprotective!”

Suddenly Cinna’s face fell and she turned to you with concern etched onto her face.

“You are okay, aren’t you?” she asked apologetically. Before you could reply, an oriental looking man with glasses came running over with a gray haired man in tow.

“Cinna! Most people aren’t accustomed to strangers jumping on them,” the man scolded, panting slightly. The man’s companion, who you quickly realized to be world famous figure skater, Viktor Nikiforov, resembled a puppy with the way he followed Yuuri so willingly.

“Aha, sorry Yuuri,” apologized Cinna sheepishly, “Just got a little excited, eh?”

You were taken aback by all that was going on. You were hugged by a stranger, Yuri Plisetsky and Otabek Altin were looking at you with pleasant expressions on their faces, and now Yuuri Katsuki and his fiancé were checking you for any injuries as the girl continued to apologize frantically. You felt your head spin as another man, who you recognized as Phichit Chulanont came running with his phone in hand.

“Cinna! They’re here!” he gripped your hand and shook it. You could hear Yuri grumbling bitterly beside you. Cinna nodded shyly at Phichit with a smile returning to her face. Soon, countless other figure skaters, such as Mila Babicheva, Georgi Popovitch, Sala and Michele Crispino, Emil Nekola, Christophe Giacometti, Kenjiro Minami Leo de la Iglesia, and Ji Guanghong, were surrounding you. Phichit extended his selfie stick and said, “Say cheese!”

You barely managed to plaster a smile onto your face before Phichit took the picture. Suddenly, in the distance you could hear, “It's JJ style!”

There was a collective groan before Cinna whispered, “Quick! Everyone revert to your original language!”

Suddenly, the room was filled with the sounds of everyone speaking in various languages. Except English.

“跟我来 (come with me),” whispered Cinna as she pulled you away from JJ and his fiancée.

Still completely thunderstruck, you followed behind Cinna. Once she led you into the hall she smiled gently and hugged you.

“Thank you so much,” she whispered as she held you close.

“For what?” you asked in amazement.

“For supporting my work,” she smiled with tears brimming in her eyes, “I wouldn't be where I am without you.”

“No problem,” you stuttered out, unsure of what you did for this stranger that moved them to tears.

“I can't even begin to tell you, the number of times I've wanted to quit,” said Cinna as the tears began to roll down her cheeks, “but every time I would see notifications from you and it made me realize that people actually care.”

You wanted to ask what on earth you had done but at the same time, you wanted to comfort the teen who was crying in front of you. How are you supposed to comfort an emotional teenage girl?

“Thank you so much,” she whispered as she grasped your hands, “Thank you for making me feel wanted. Thank you for brightening my day with your silly comments and your votes. Thank you for sticking with me even though I'm gone most of the time.”

Before you could think of a response Cinna gave your hand a light squeeze and said, “You must think I'm so silly, getting emotional over something as small as this,” she laughed quietly, “we should get back before Yuri yells at me again. He's actually really attached to you, he may not act like it though.”

And with that, Cinna took you hand again and began to lead you back into the brightly lit room. She paused for a moment before turning to say, “Unless you want JJ to annoy you, I highly recommend pretending you can't speak English when he's around.”

“There you are!” exclaimed JJ as he began to walk towards Cinna with his arms outstretched, “Another Canadian! No one else here speaks English? Can you believe that? Even the American! He's speaking Spanish!” Cinna shot you a look that screamed, 'See what I mean!?’ before sighing and talking to JJ.

You wandered off to talk to the other skaters, oh how to wanted a selfie with Viktuuri and Otayuri.

When Viktor saw you walking towards the group he grinned and waved you over.

“So Cinna gave you her little speech then?” he asked as he wrapped his arm around Yuuri's shoulders. You nodded, wondering how to ask them to take a picture with you.

“She's such a geek,” said Yurio with a small smile on his face, “She literally has 4 friends and spends all her time fangirling.”

“Yurio!” snapped Viktor, “She's a good kid, trust me. She's trying her best to do everything.”

Yuuri sighed and said, “I think reading your comments is her favourite part of the day.”

Otabek nodded and took a sip of his drink before saying, “We should start eating soon, everyone's hungry.”

He looked around for a couple seconds before asking, “Where is she?”

“Probably still stuck with JJ,” you said looking over to where Cinna was awkwardly listening to JJ talk as he wrapped his arms around his fiancée. She looked so uncomfortable being the third wheel.

Yurio sighed and took your hand, “Let's go save that loser.”

Cinna looked so thankful when you pulled her away from JJ that you were scared she was going to start crying again. (Yuri said not to worry as apparently 'Cinna once cried looking at a cookie display that was too beautiful for her to handle’)

Once dinner started, Cinna cleared her throat and stood up with her glass raised, “I want to say thank you to all of you, for sticking with me, for brightening up my day, and for supporting me. I've always run to you when I've felt upset and you've always been there. Even at 2 am when I wanted to rant about periods and Mario Kart. Thank you reader, for 1 million reads.”

Published- 08-10-17
If you have any questions (even awkward personal ones about how I cried over a cookie display) I'll be willing to answer so feel free to comment stuff. I'm so thankful (I honestly can't put it into words) to all of you readers who've supported me in the last year by taking the time from your busy lives to read my mess. Thank you so much, lot's of love,

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