Otabek Altin {Ugly Sweaters}

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Stolen from my discontinued KnB book

Otabek never expected himself to ever wear an ugly Christmas sweater, but here he was wearing the ugliest of ugly sweaters.

Viktor and Yuuri had planned a Christmas party for the skaters in the Grand Prix to celebrate the season (and their engagement). The party was an ugly sweater party and you were all for it. Otabek on the other hand, was not.

You wanted to wear matching sweaters with your boyfriend. He obviously said no but after several hours of begging and threats, Otabek stood by the Christmas tree in the ugliest sweater he had ever seen with a huge scowl on his face. His sweater was bright green with flashing lights. Right across the front in big red letters it said, naughty. Yours was red with flashing lights and the word nice in fancy green letters across the front.

"I love your sweater Otabek!" laughed Viktor as Phichit was took pictures.

"Shut up," retorted Otabek as he turned away from Viktor to look for you.

"I never thought Otabek loved you enough to wear that," smirked Yuri to you as he helped himself to more candy canes and gingerbread cookies. Before you could respond Christophe cut in and said, "Of course he loves (y/n) enough! He would do anything for her!!"

You blushed furiously as Otabek appeared behind you and held you against his chest and said, "damn right."

Published- 18/12/16

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