Viktor Nikiforov {marvel marathon}

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You were sitting on the couch watching a movie with Makkachin on your lap. It was raining and you had thought that'd be the best thing to do on a night like this. It was really calm and relaxing out.

Viktor was staying late at practice so it was just you and Makkachin.

Suddenly you heard someone unlocking the front door. It was probably Viktor. You didn't bother getting up because you didn't want to disturb Makkachin who was dozing off on your lap.

Viktor peered into the living room and saw you and Makkachin curled up on the couch. he couldn't help but smile at how adorable you were.

He walked over to the couch and sat down next to you

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He walked over to the couch and sat down next to you. He placed his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer so you were leaning on him.

"What are you watching?" Viktor asked.

"Captain America," you replied.

"Which one? There's three of them," he chuckled.

"All of them," you said, "it'll take me about 6 hours but I'm not doing anything so I can sleep in tomorrow."

Viktor just sighed. This wasn't the first time you had a movie marathon. The longest movie marathon you had forced him into was when you made him watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Hobbit trilogy in one sitting.

The two of you remained silent for majority of the movie (except for your occasionally squealing over Steve Roger's waistline or Bucky's thighs)

The two of you remained silent for majority of the movie (except for your occasionally squealing over Steve Roger's waistline or Bucky's thighs)

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Halfway through the second movie you got quite cold. Being the wonderful boyfriend he was, Viktor pulled a blanket around the two of you. You tour your eyes off the tv and smiled at him.

Viktor smiled back and kissed you quickly.

After that you leaned against him and watched the movie together. He liked the way you leaned against him. You were warm and cuddly, not to mention he loved the way you smelled. Your familiar scent was reassuring.

Eventually, Viktor fell asleep with his head resting on top of yours. With Makkachin on your lap and Viktor leaning on you, there's was no way you could move. Accepting your fate, you shut off the tv and closed your eyes.

Sorry it's so short

Published- 22/11/16

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Yuri Plisetsky

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