Viktor Nikiforov {Feverish}

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Requested by @Bloodycat0 

This is a Viktor x male!reader. I'm really sorry but this chapter is an absolute trainwreck. I have a feeling that it's terrible but at the same time I don't know how to fix it or make it better (which is pretty much how I feel about life.) If you see any typos or have any suggestions just comment and I'll fix it. Thanks.

Viktor's eyebrows were furrowed with worry as he walked down the halls of the arena. His phone was pressed against his ear. Instead of the voice of his beloved significant other, he got the monotone voice of your voice mail. "The number you are trying to reach is unavailable at the moment. Please leave your message after the bee-"

Viktor groaned for the umpteenth time and hung up. He bit his lip in worry. The reason for Viktor's aggravation was that you were missing. You hadn't greeted him at the entrance nor had you shown up at all during the practice. Viktor silently cursed you. With all the stress you were creating for him, it would be a miracle if he didn't lose any hair.

Footsteps could be heard as another person walked into the change room. It was none other than your favourite (and only) room mate, Yurio. 

"Hey, Yurio!" Viktor called out to the blond as he bounded towards him, "Have you seen (y/n)? Did he get kidnapped? Is that why he isn't here? Ifhegotkidnappedwhydidn'tyoudoanythingwhatkindffriendareyou?!"

"He's sick. Didn't he tell you," said Yurio with annoyance, "Leave me alone I need to change."

"Oh," Viktor's posture noticeably drooped at his words, he was pouting. Why wouldn't you tell him? Viktor had always felt that you would tell him anything. Maybe you weren't as close as he had thought. His heart clentched at the idea.

"Thanks, Yurio," said Viktor as he plastered a fake smile on his face, "I'm going to go visit him!"

Viktor didn't wait to hear Yurio's response, but he could hear Yurio's angry "HAHHH?" noise as he speed walked towards your house. (He tried to look casual but failed miserably.)

When Viktor arrived at your house he rang the doorbell several times. No response. He threw rocks at your window. Still no response. Now Viktor was very concerned. He decided the only logical thing to do was to break in through your window. It was on the second story and there was a very convenient tree that he could climb. He didn't consider calling Yurio at all. He climbed up the tree.


You had woken up to irritating tapping. Your head already hurt and the tapping only intensified the pain. You rolled over and buried yourself deeper in your blankets, assuming the sound was from Yuri's cat. The cat had been bothering you all morning. When you ate (and threw up) your breakfast it followed you around. Wherever you went, you could hear the pat pat pat of its paws as it followed behind you.

"Go away you dumb cat," you mumbled into the pillow. Suddenly the window right above your bed slid open. The curtain flapped because of the wind. You shivered. You weren't sure if it was because it was freezing outside or if it was because it scared you to death, it honestly could've been both. The opening window may have scared you but not nearly as much as Viktor shooting through it, head first and limbs flailing. His head was a grey blur and one of his arms slammed into your crotch causing you to scream out in pain and shoot up. The sudden movement caused your head to collide with Viktor's (who was still making his not so graceful descent into your room.) The force of the impact, combined with your illness managed to make you lose consciousness. Believe it or not, this whole commotion, as complicated as it sounds, was over in a matter of seconds.

When you woke up everything was a blur. Your head throbbed (and so did your crotch.) Your vision was blurry but you could make out the vague outline of your fiance, who was getting closer? Suddenly he was right on top of you, holding you close.

"(Y/N)! I AM SO SORRY!" you winced. His loud voice instantly brought back your headache. Viktor noticed your grimace and lowered his voice.

"I'm sorry," Viktor whispered as he kissed your forehead. You just nodded in response. Your throat was too dry for you to say anything. Viktor handed you some Advil and a glass of water. "Here, it'll help."

Despite your fatigue, you sat up from your bed and took the medicine. Your throat burned as you swallowed the water. "Thank you," you croaked. 

"No problem," said Viktor as he leaned in for a kiss. You were going to tell him not to kiss you but then it happened, your nose itched and you sneezed. It wasn't a cute kitten sneeze (like Yurio's) it was a gross sick person sneeze. The kind where your eyes water, pain shoots through your head and snot and spit spew from your mouth and nose. It was disgusting. 

"I'm sorry," you apologised as you groggily grabbed some tissues from the bedside table. You handed several tissues to Viktor and blew your nose. 

Viktor shook his head and smiled, "It's fine." He had gotten up to grab another blanket. He through the blanket over your body and lay on top of it. His face was directly in front of yours. You felt his breath against your cheek and the warmth of his body through the blanket.

"Go to sleep," whispered Viktor, "I know you want to, you've been yawning nonstop." You couldn't deny it. Your eyelids were drooping and your limbs felt heavy. Anyone could see from your sluggish movements that you were exhausted. Just as you began to drift off to sleep you heard Viktor whisper-

"Goodnight, my love."

I generally use female pronouns because I noticed 95% of my readers are female (there a little statistic thing that shows the gender of my readers and where they are from which I thought was hella cool) but if you guys prefer for my stories to be gender neutral please tell me so I can improve future chapters.

Thank you for all the support!

Published- 27/3/17

next up-

Yuri Plisetsky x reader

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