Seung-gil Lee {Save the Last Dance For Me}

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Song fic! The song is Save the last dance for me by the Drifters (Michael Bublé did a cover of this song too)

You can dance, every dance with the guy
Who gives you the eye, let him hold you tight

“Mrs. Lee, may I have this dance?” said Viktor as he held out his hand. Mrs. Lee, you smiled at the thought and allowed for Viktor to take your hand gently and lea you to the dance floor.

"You look amazing (y/n)," he smiled warmly, his usual goofy demeanour was nowhere to be found. His eyes held genuine happiness for you.

“Thank you, Viktor,” you grinned.

“Seung-gil’s a lucky guy,” he said as he lead you across the dancefloor, “how he managed to get someone as wonderful as you is beyond me.”

“Are you hitting on me Mr. Nikiforov?” you teased, “Yuuri wouldn’t approve of this.”

He just laughed at you and continued to dance. You swayed to the music with Viktor. Your elegant white wedding attire contrasted greatly from his black tux. He twirled you around as you laughed at his childish antics.

“Viktor!” you scolded playfully, “You know I can’t dance to save my own life!!”

Viktor smiled. “I’m just preparing you for your first dance with your husband,” he said as he looked across the room to see Yuuri dancing with your husband, “You do realise you married a figure skater right?”

“I’ll manage,” you said as you turned to see Seung-gil and Yuuri do a complicated dance move that you wouldn’t attempt in your dizziest daydreams. Suddenly, you felt a pit in your stomach. You were going to humiliate yourself.

You can smile, every smile for the man
Who held your hand beneath pale moon light

“Oh honey, good luck with that,” smirked Chris as Viktor passed you off to him.

“Do you really think it’ll be that bad?” you asked Viktor and Chris.

“It’s not that you can’t dance,” said Viktor as he stopped dancing. You and Chris stopped as well so you could continue the conversation. “It’s more because you’re in a wedding dress.”

Chris nodded in agreement, “Even Viktor wouldn’t be able to dance in that.”

“Perhaps not, but I would make a radiant bride,” joked Viktor. The three of you burst into laughter.

“But knowing (y/n), she’ll pull it off,” smiled Chris, “Seung-gil’s a lucky guy.”

But don't forget who's takin' you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be
So darlin' save the last dance for me

Seung-gil immediately searched the room for you when he heard you melodic laughter. He, Yuuri, Otabek, and Yurio were at the refreshment table talking. The moment he laid his eyes on you he felt warm and fuzzy inside. You were happy and therefore, so was he.

He thought you were absolutely beautiful. You yourself didn’t believe it. You would pick out all of your flaws but he didn’t consider them flaws. They made up the beautiful person he had fallen in love with. He had fallen hard for you. You may not have a perfectly symmetrical face or an hourglass body, but you didn’t realize that your beauty came from being yourself. Your “flaws” were what made you who you are. Seung-gil was head over heels in love with you.

Oh, I know that the music's fine
Like sparklin' wine, go and have your fun
Laugh and sing but while we're apart
Don't give your heart to anyone

Phichit laughed as he pushed Viktor and Chris out of the way, "Guys! It’s my turn to dance with (y/n)!"

Chris and Viktor both kissed you on both cheeks before heading off to find their dates.

“Seung-gil’s a lucky guy,” smiled Phichit, “He’s way too stoic to be able to ask someone like you out.”

“What do you mean?” you asked.

“You’re way out of his league,” said Phichit nonchalantly, “besides, he barely talks. It’s a miracle that the two of you even managed to get together.”

“Wow, gee thanks,” you said, your voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Aha sorry, but just so you know, I ship the two of you so hard, when I got the wedding invitation I think I did my longest ‘Yea Boi’ ever”

You laughed at his silliness, "So, are you enjoying yourself?"

"Me? Of course, though it should be you who is enjoying herself," Phichit grinned, "You look beautiful by the way."

You smiled brightly and gave him a quick hug, "Thanks Phichit, you're so sweet."

“Thanks, (y/n),” he said as he began to pull out his phone, “Can we take a picture for my Instagram?”

And don't forget who's takin' you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be
So darlin' save the last dance for me

Seung-gil began to make his way across the room. He caught your eye from across the room and you smiled. No one else seemed to matter as the two of you approached each other.

“Mrs. Lee, may I have this dance?" He asked as he held out his hand and half-bowed.

”Of course, Mr. Lee.”

Baby, don't you know I love you so?
Can't you feel it when we touch?
I will never, never let you go
I love you, oh, so much

“This feels so surreal,” you said has you and Seung-gil slow danced. Out of the corner of your eye you could see most of your guests had stopped dancing to watch your first dance as husband and wife. Georgi, who had never been good at containing his emotions, was crying. Viktor and Yuuri would holding hands and looking like proud parents. Otabek and Yurio were holding hands. Chris, Phichit, Minami, Guanghong, and Leo had their phones out to record the dance. Sala and Mila were trying to hold back their tears. You could see your parents grinning as tears ran down their faces.

“Yeah,” said Seung-gil. He rested his forehead against yours, “How did I get so lucky?”

“Was this scripted? Everyone’s been saying that to me,” you asked. Seung-gil just smiled and said, “It must be true then because I’m not the only one to notice.”

“I love you, Seung-gil Lee,” you said as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders.

“I love you too, (y/n) Lee,” he whispered as he leaned in to kiss you.

Oh, baby won't you save the last dance for me?
Ooh, you make the promise that you save the last dance for me
Save the last dance, the very last dance for me

Oh how I love Cassandra Clare.

Currently working on:
-Viktor x male!Reader

Next up:
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader

Published- 8/3/17

Yuri on Ice (Various x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon