Yuuri Katsuki {matchmaker}

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Inspired by bumblebee183

You were sitting in the your room reading fanfiction peacefully. WERE. Now there was a certain someone obnoxiously knocking on your door.

"(y/n)," said Viktor through the door. You ignored him.

"(Y/N)!" he repeated.

"What do you need?" you asked him as you went to open the door.

Your only response was him grinning like an idiot and dragging you down the wall towards his room.

You sent a pleading look to Makkachin who only wagged his tail and followed you and Viktor.

"Oh come on, (y/n)! You're too slow! Here let me," Viktor said with enthusiasm. He then picked you up, and threw you over his shoulder.

You let out a small yelp as he began to gallop through the halls.

When you reached Viktor's room, you were thrown into a chair.

"Viktor! What are you doing!?" you yelled at him.

"Well, I've been seeing lately that you've been staring at a certain pupil of mine!" he replied with a wink

You mentally face-palmed. If Viktor knew the entire skating community knew. Great.

"I don't like him like that," you said hastily in attempt to keep your crush a secret.

"Yes you do! Now we're going to find out if he likes you back! I think he does!" insisted Viktor with far too much enthusiasm.

You just groaned, "Viktor, let's be honest, he's probably gay for you. There's no way he likes me."

Viktor paid no attention to your groaning and whining. Within an hour he had done your make up and forced you into nice clothes.

"Wow! (y/n) he's definitely going to want to-"

"Ahh no, stop, please," you blushed.

You looked in the mirror. Viktor actually did a pretty great job.

As you were about to get up Viktor pulled you back down.

"We're not done with you yet," he grinned as he pulled out several hair products. Oh no.

He spun your chair around, and started brushing your hair. Sure you didn't brush it well that morning, but it's not like you were planning on going out.

You let out a small groan when he pulled through several knots.

"Oh shush, I'm almost done," he scolded as you tried to escape from his grasp.

When he finally finished, your hair was beautiful. You never thought you hair could ever look this nice.

Viktor grinned and took a picture of you, "(y/n)! You look beautiful!"

Before you knew it, you were at the skating rink where Yuuri was practising. Yuuri seemed so focused on skating. You were absolutely mesmerised by his beautiful movements.

After a while you realised this was all pointless and you were just wasting Viktor's time

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After a while you realised this was all pointless and you were just wasting Viktor's time.

"I can't do this," you sighed in defeat, "let's just go."

As you were turning around to leave, you did not notice the large sign that was right next to you.


You lay on the ground with a massive red mark on your forehead. You felt like your head was spinning (not to mention bruised) and you wanted to curl up into a ball and just disappear.

Viktor, being the great friend he was, helped you up. That is after he finished laughing at you.

While the two of you were busy laughing at your misfortune, neither of you noticed the boy who was skating towards the two of you.

"(y/n), are you okay?" you heard a familiar voice ask.

"Yeah I'm fine," you blushed. Through your peripheral vision you could see Viktor running off.

"Are you sure?" Yuuri questioned as he gently place his hand on your cheek, "you're all red."

"I'm fine!" you insisted. You could feel your cheeks burning.

Yuuri pressed his forehead against yours. You could feel the tip of his nose touch yours. You felt like you couldn't breathe.

"I doesn't seem like you have a fever," said Yuuri as he pulled away. His hands remained on your face. You thought it was going to beat out of your chest. Your poor heart couldn't take it. You fainted.

Looks like Viktor's plan to get Yuuri to notice you worked better than he could've hoped.

Published- 9/11/16

next up-
Viktor Nikiforov

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