Yuuri Katsuki {Wisdom Teeth}

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Yuuki was driving you to his house after you had your wisdom teeth pulled out. You were a mess. The bloody piece of gauze was dangling from your mouth awkwardly and you were blubbering like a child.

By the time the two of you got home Yuuri couldn't have been happier to get himself a cup of tea. His head was throbbing because of all the incoherent noise you were making.


"What exactly are you doing?"

Yuuri had walked into the living room to see you staring intently at your computer screen with the body gauze still dangling from your mouth. It hadn't struck him as odd when he had first walked into the living room nor had it as he had made himself a cup of tea. It wasn't until he had downed the tea did he realise the look of confusion and concentration on your face.

"Trying to figure something out," was all you responded with. Yuuri shrugged and went back into the kitchen to make something to eat. It wasn't until Yuuri had nearly finished making dinner when you spoke up once more.

"kobuta-chan, which do you think is heavier? A kilogram of steel or a kilogram of feathers?"

"Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that?" He pouted, "and both are the same weight."

He heard a scoff then approaching footsteps.

"It's a kilogram of steel. Because steel is heavier than feathers."

Yuuri's glasses practically went flying off of his face when he jerked around hoping that you joking. By the look on your face he could tell you were dead serious. You began to look very confused.

"No they're both the same," Yuuri said, watching as your expression grew more confused.

"What do you mean?"

"They're both a kilogram."

He immediately regretted saying that as he watched you grow even more confused. He felt bad for you for a second, it looked like you were having an existential crisis, not to mention you were still talking with a lisp and gauze hanging from your mouth.

"B-but steel is heavier than feathers."

Yuuri gave a short laugh, "I know, but (y/n), they're both a kilogram. If anything, a kilogram of feathers would be heavier because you'd have to carry the weight of what you did to those poor birds."

"Ehhh???" You finally realized...

Unfortunately when you realized, you opened your mouth really wide and the gauze fell out...

You and Yuuri stared at the limp red gauze on the floor.

"MY TONGUE FELL OUT!!!" You blabbered stupidly as you were still high off of the anaesthesia.

"MY TONGUE FELL OUT!!!" You blabbered stupidly as you were still high off of the anaesthesia

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Yuuri jumped because of your sudden screech.

"A-are you okay," he asked nervously.

You just continued to sob uncontrollably until you fell asleep on the kitchen floor.

Yuuri gently picked you up and tucked you in bed.

"Goodnight (y/n)," he whispered.

The moment he closed the bedroom door he blushed beet red at your adorableness and collapsed.

The moment he closed the bedroom door he blushed beet red at your adorableness and collapsed

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This was a bit silly... But I hope you guys are enjoying this book so far! Please vote and comment! It really makes my day when I read your comments (*'▽'*)

Feel free to request!

Published 10/10/16

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Viktor Nikiforov

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