Yuri Plisetsky {Mario Kart}

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"Just because you're good at Mario Kart doesn't mean you're going to be good at driving," said Yuri as he flaunted his newly acquired driver's license.

"Says you," you scoffed as you stated intently at your television, "Viktor said you barely passed, not to mention I could kick your as at Mario Kart any day."

You were on the final lap of rainbow road and you were so close to unlocking the next course.

"Hah? Is that a challenge?" said Yuri angrily as he grabbed another Wii remote.

"I wouldn't​ call it a challenge per say," you said nonchalantly as you finished the course, "You're a total noob."

"I'll show you!" threatened Yuri with gritted teeth. He selected the course. Rainbow road. Shit had just gotten real. "Only true masters of driving can come in first in rainbow road!" he said passionately as the little cloud guy hovered over your characters.

Beep. You held down the A button to get a speed boost.

Beep. Yuri leaned closer to the screen.

Beep! You quickly released the A button and slammed your finger back down. You had successfully gotten a speed boost. Yuri, on the other hand, held down the button for too long and his character was now surrounded by dust at the starting line while yours had already made it to the first item boxes.

"DAMMIT!" screeched Yuri as he inched closer to the screen, "IF I LOSE I WILL BURN THE HOUSE DOWN!"

"Sucks to suck loser!" you said as you picked up an item block. It was a bullet bill. You couldn't believe your luck. 5 seconds into the race and you got a bullet bill.

"THIS IS BULLSHIT!" yelled Yuri angrily as he tried to hit someone with his pathetic green shell. You beamed with pride as you pressed the b button, activating the bullet bill.

You were now in first with a comfortable lead while Yuri was in 9th. And then it happened. You heard beeping coming from your controller and suddenly the blue shell was hovering over your character.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME???" you screamed as your character was hit by the blueshell. You were passed by 2 people. Once the blueshell's effect wore off a third character bumped into your character which knocked your character off the course.

"WHO THE FUCK THREW THAT BLUE SHELL?" you fumed as you watched you character fall towards earth as a fiery ball.

Yuri was silent. He was too focused trying to stay on course. He was now in sixth. When the little hovering cloud put you back on course you were in 7th.

Second lap. You got a red shell. Yuri was ahead of you. You launched the red shell and you saw it hit Yuri's character. As you sped past him Yuri yelled, "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKING HELL? (Y/N)!!! I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL FUCK YOU UP!!!"

Suddenly you heard Viktor screaming from the other room, "Watch your profanity!"

"NO!" yelled the both of you. You swore you could hear Yuri mentioning something about teen rebellion but that didn't matter. You had to win. The moment you crossed the finish line the music began to speed up.

Final lap. This was it. You had gotten 3 red mushrooms and managed to get to 3rd place. Yuri was right behind you and he was grinning mischievously. Why was he smiling? He was behind you. BANG BANG BANG! You were hit by 3 red shells in a row. Yuri dashed in front of you laughing victoriously. 

"ARRGGGGG!" you groaned in frustration as you twisted your body so that your character could turn.


Yuri was currently in first and you were close behind. The both of you were approaching the finish line. You had a green shell. Yuri had a banana peel. Yuri quickly released the banana peel hoping you would slip on it but you managed to swerve around it and stay on track. Yuri was now directly in front of you. This was your chance. You quickly shot the green shell and it hit Yuri's character allowing you to shoot past him and come in first. 

"I WIN!" you shouted in joy. You turned to look at Yuri's screen. The effects of the green shell were wearing off but soon the two of you heard irritating beeping coming from Yuri's remote.

"Fuck fuck fuCK fUCK FUCK NO NONONONONONNOOOOOO!!!" yelled Yuri as he frantically mashed the A button, trying to accelerate. (Un)fortunately, his attempts were in vain. He was hit by a blue shell which knocked him off the course.

"(Y/N) I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL PERSONALLY PAINFULLY AND SLOWLY PLUCK OUT EACH INDIVIDUAL EYEBROW HAIR AND SHOVE THEM  UP YOU NOSTRILS!!!" yelled Yuri as he came in eleventh. You could barely see. There were tears streaming down your face because you were laughing so hard.

"Shouldn't you guys try to enjoy the simple things in a relationship, like going on dates or holding hands instead of screaming profanities at each other?," asked Yuri as he and Viktor walked into the room to see what the two of you were screaming about.

"That's a good idea," you said as you took Yuri's hand, "I think Yuri needs to cool down a bit. A date would be great." Yuri just grumbled in response and allowed for you to guide him away from the television.

"Have fun!" said Viktor as he put his arm around Yuuri's shoulders.

Once you guys got out of the house you decided to go get some ice cream at the local ice cream shop.

"I'm sorry for what I said during Mario Kart," said Yuri as he handed you your ice cream.

"It's okay," you smiled. He laced his fingers with yours and the two of you walked around aimlessly. Suddenly Yuri stopped and said, "(y/n), you have ice cream on your face."

"Where i-" before you could finish your question Yuri grinned and smashed some of his ice cream on your face. 

"Stop wasting food!" you scolded as you went to grab a napkin.

"No need for napkins," said Yuri as he licked the ice cream off your cheek. He moved his lips from you cheek to your lips. The ice cream now lay forgotten. When you pulled away you frowned.

"What's wrong?" Yuri asked as he cupped your face with his hands. 

"Now my face is sticky," you wiped your face with a napkin. Yuri smiled and took your hand and lead you home. Upon arriving at the house you could hear Viktor and Yuri screaming.

"They better not be doing what I think they're doing," groaned Yuri, opening the door.

"Yuuri! AH FUCK!" yelled Viktor.

"AHHH!" screamed Yuri



You and Yuri looked at each other in confusion and walked towards the screams. When you peaked into the room you saw why they were screaming at each other.

They were playing MARIO KART.

published 10/3/17

next up-

Viktor x male!Reader

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